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Separate Saves


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Not to sure where to post this but ill ask here. I have a shared computer with my brother who wants to play skyrim but would have to get a activation code to play so i offered him to play on my steam account, but I wouldnt want to get our games mixed up. Are there any mods that let you have separate saved games? like in Dragon age or something? So we wouldnt save over each others games by accident or something like that. I never used any mods like this cuz i never had to share an account but if there is, can someone show me one? or if not maybe some can make one?



Edited by SomethingCrazy
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One option is to open your game console (the tilde or ~ key to the left of your 1 key at the top left of your keyboard) and type "save xxxx" without the quotes then hit enter. The x's can be whatever name you wish, your name, your character's name or whatever. You can add a number to have how many of these saves that you want like Justin01. If the name includes a space just enclose it in quote as in save "my game".




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If you don't want to use consoles, you may want to use just the "Save New" option when you are done playing. It will save data with a screenshot of where you are, your character name, level, timestamp, etc.


This will not allow your brother to overwrite your save unless he explicitly tells the game to do so (in which case, well, that's a discussion for you and your brother. :P).


If you only rely on quick-saves and auto-saves then he could accidentally overwrite it while playing.

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