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Need an update on body replacers


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Hi all!


I've been away from Oblivion for quite some time, what's new, cool and well-supported in that department? Last I got is an early version of exnem, still the way to go? Is Robert's still the one and only male? I'm eager to play, now that I finally got some time again, but not in unlimited supply, so I'd rather skip reading a week through half a dozen forums... Thx for your input.

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That's not the only female body. Search for Fantasy Figure, FF, TFF or even Corwyn. There's a TON of stuff for that body. All of the clothing is prefixed with "UFF" for easy searching. Also there's a female body by Robert, but not many clothes yet from what I can tell.


Edit: Then there's also Eshme and Bab, but I don't know how much stuff is available for those. I'm sure others will provide more info than I can.

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