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Skyrim Urgent Help!


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First and foremost here are my computer specs -


Processor: Intel® Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz

RAM: 8.00GB

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit



All right, so I am starting to have problems with my skyrim with random crashes to my powersave mode, in which I always have to force shut down the computer. This problem usually occurs around when I pick locks or more frequently, water inside caves.


Here are the mods that I have currently installed:

- A Quality World Map - With Roads - Quality World Map - All Roads

- Apocalypse Spell Package - Apocalypse v200

- ASIS - ASIS RC Patcher 1-32

- BBLeeV2 real hair

- Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles - Faces - NoMoreBlockyFaces

- Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE-

- Duel - Combat Realism - Duel Combat Realism 5

- Enhanced Blood Textures

- Enhanced Night Skyrim - Enhanced Night Skyrim v04 Color Galaxy

- Feminine Running and New Dash Animation - Feminine Running Animation v09c D-Pack

- Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core Buster Sword - Newest Version Skyrim Buster Sword with longer handle

- Final Fantasy 7 Masamune - Masamune - new

- High Quality Eyes - High_Quality_Eyes-1_20

- Improved NPC Clothing - High Res - Improved NPC Clothing_1_8_1

- LightningArmor13-2

- Lightning's Weapons

- New Animation for Running with Bow - Bow - Running forward v1-2

- No More Blocky Faces - No_More_Blocky_Faces-1_50

- Realistic Lighting with Customization

- Skyrim -Community- Uncapper - Skyrim -Community- Uncapper v1_13_3_0

- Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Vurts Skyrim Flora Overhaul v13 Low-Res version

- Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Dungeons

- Skyrim Monster Mod - SkyMoMod V8

- SkyUI

- UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul

- W.A.T.E.R. - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux

- YY Anim Replacer_-_Natural Jump


Using the following game settings:


- 16:9 Widescreen

- 1920 x 1080 Resolution

- Off (Best Performance) for both Antialiasing and Anisotropic Filtering

- High Texture

- High Radial Blur

- Ultra Shadow Detail

- Ultra Decal Quantity

- FXAA is toggled off

- Reflect land, trees, objects, skys under water are all checked off

- Max settings in view distance

- Ultra distant object detail

- No object detail fade


Sorry for giving so much detail, but hey, desperate times all for desperate measures.. Please help! :unsure:

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You have to change the power saving time and how often they happen, my other PC has article link on how to do that, but it's being transfered as we speak because of network connection problem's, getting ready to do a system restore on that PC


I'm on my notebook which has none of the artcles and important stuff the other PC has

Edited by sinnerman69
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Have you checked to see how your computer is performing during the game, esp clock speeds and temps? And also monitoring your voltage?

How do you update your drivers? If you update from the windows control panel driver update or from Steam driver update, you are probably suffering from driver installation issues. Read this and if needed follow the procedure. Long read but might save your computer.


Also, I agree with the previous poster that it might be your PSU. They can start failing and cause erratic CTDs before completely dying. Something like Riva tuner, or EVGA precision, or CPU-Z could help you pinpoint if those are issues.

It might also be a memory leak, but that would more likely crash the game or freeze it.

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