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O Canada, our Home and Native Land,

True patriot love, in all our sons' command,

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

The True North Strong and Free

From far and wide,

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee

God keep our land, glorious and free,

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee



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O Canada, our Home and Native Land,

True patriot love, in all our sons' command,

etc, etc, etc...

I've frequently joked that Canada should annex the United States, if only for the fact that their National Anthem has a prettier melody and is easier for normal humans to sing.


Anybody who's ever had to suffer through a roomful of 5th-graders trying to hit the notes in "laaaand of the freeeee" knows exactly what I'm talking about. :wink:

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Romania...(everyone heard of it ? ) :ninja:


yes i thing Maafiaman can from there good guy very chatty made some fantastic mods



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