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Dark Elf Commentary


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Lol! (pitying shake of my head) Was reading mod description by a very good and experienced modder in which he thought it desirable that Dunmer be modified so that they looked more human and less like "monsters and freaks". If you want humans, run humans. Dark Elves/Dunmer are just that, Dark Elves. They ain't human and dey ain't gonna be human. Don't expect'em to look like humans. I don't think they look like monsters and freaks, they're a different race. I've never understood, and will never understand, why players feel the need to humanize elves in order to alter their basic elfish appearance. If ya want'em to look more human it's okay to create a half-elf type, but they need to be characterized as a Half-Elf. The only problem with that, is that the game dialog doesn't have any commentary which acknowledges their half-elf nature. There is no "Elrond" niche in Skyrim. That was, I think, a serious short-coming in game design as finally laid out by Bethesda. The company should've made it possible to modify in-game dialog in order to acknowledge changes in race and physiology. That would've made the game so much richer. Making Elves more human in appearance detracts from that richness in variety as well. Ah well, I'll play mine, ya'all play yours and we'll all be happy. I like my "monsters and freaks" just the way Bethesda made'em.

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Across the broad RPG spectrum, Bethesda is definitely the outlier as regards depictions of Elves in general. I certainly do not recognize TES elves as the definitive style.


It's not surprising that a lot of players wish to have a more familiar depiction. Luckily, mods let both sides be happier.

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