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How do i remove antifreeze


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Why are you posting multiple threads about Anti Freeze? Couldn't just one do the trick? lol


I have not used Anti Freeze myself, but it looks like something to do with ENB series, and to uninstall ENB series, all you need to do is delete the ENB Series files you installed (d3d9.dll, enbseries.ini, etc.).


Or, if you simply want to get your graphics adapter option back to Nvidia, just open enbseries.ini and change the line:


to this:



Doing this will not uninstall ENB Series/Anti freeze though.


As for your points in the other thread about it ruining your game, again, it looks like it is an ENB Series-based mod, which is just a DX plug and as far as I am aware does not interact with the game in any way other than image rendering. As I said though, I have not used Anti Freeze so I don't claim to be an expert or anything :P

Edited by demidekidasu
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