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Skyrim Freezing and crash


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With the Werewolf problems I'm having more problems unrelated.

Just a few days ago my game started to suddenly freeze. The game will freeze but the background audio will still be playing(when fighting a dragon the dragon breath sound will be on repeat). I will ether be in mid battle, running or anything including quicksaving or saving.

At first it would pause and resume after a minute or two that didn't bother me much, but now it's longer or never ending which leads to task manager forced closing. Then a few minutes ago I was in Riverwood and the game froze again then crashed.

I have bought Dawnguard and also using SKSE, and I don't know if its might be mod related.

Here is a screen shot of my NMM


Edited by LostBrokenWinter
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Did you follow the uninstall instructions on those mods description pages? NMM might not uninstall the mods correctly. (As in it did not stop the associated script file)....thus you end up crashing/freezing because you still have scripts running for mods that you no longer have installed.
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