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no cursor or menu running FWE, WMK, EVE, MMM, AA


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Have no cursor or menu when starting Fallout 3 cant figure out problem and have tried many things. Just installed windows 7


Hers my load order from FOMM


[X] Fallout3.esm

[X] Anchorage.esm

[X] ThePitt.esm

[X] BrokenSteel.esm

[X] PointLookout.esm

[X] Zeta.esm

[X] CRAFT.esm

[X] CALIBR.esm

[X] xCALIBR.esm

[X] xCALIBRuniverse.esm

[X] SShop.esm

[X] Project Beauty.esm


[X] Advanced Recon Tech.esm

[X] EVE.esm

[X] Apocalypse Armory.esm

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esm

[X] Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm

[X] DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm

[X] Detect Traps.esm

[X] ImaginatorFO3.esp


[X] AWorldOfPainFO3.esm

[X] DarNifiedUIF3.esp

[X] Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp

[X] Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp

[X] DynamicCrosshair.esp

[X] Detect Traps - The Traponator 4000.esp

[X] Detect Traps - Perk.esp

[X] Detect Traps - DLC.esp

[X] DCInteriors_DLC_Collectables.esp

[X] SShopItems.esp

[X] BA_WastelandRestoration.esp

[X] BA_WastelandRestoration_DLCs.esp

[X] Apocalypse Armory.esp

[X] Apocalypse Armory - CRAFTing.esp

[X] Apocalypse Armory - CALIBR.esp

[X] Apocalypse Armory - xCALIBR.esp

[X] Apocalypse Armory - DLC Enhancements.esp

[X] Apocalypse Armory - Optional Historical Names.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (Followers Enhanced).esp

[X] FWE-COL-Enclave-compatibilitypatch.esp

[X] FWE-COL-Enclave-compatibilitypatch-new-tesla-helmet-addon_updated.esp

[X] FWE-COL-Enclave-compatibilitypatch-hellfireaddon.esp

[X] FWE-COL-Brotherhood-compatibilitypatch.esp

[X] FWE-COL-Outcast-compatibilitypatch.esp

[X] WeaponModKits.esp

[X] WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp

[X] WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp

[X] WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp

[X] WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp

[X] WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp

[X] WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp

[X] Apocalypse Armory + WMK.esp

[X] AMR-B04.esp



[X] Advanced Recon Armor.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Armor-Predator Mode.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Gear.esp

[X] colossus T51c.esp

[X] EVE.esp

[X] EVE Operation Anchorage.esp

[X] EVE - FWE Master Release.esp

[X] EVE - FWE Master Release (Follower Enhanced).esp

[X] EVE - FWE Master Release (pulse fix).esp

[X] EVE Anchorage - FWE DLC Anchorage.esp

[X] EVE - FWE with WeaponModKits.esp

[X] Apocalypse Armory + EVE.esp

[X] AA_FWE_xCalibr+EVE.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + Project Beauty.esp

[X] 1PipboyPDA.esp

[X] DLM_FFOutcastsQuest(FWEEd).esp

[X] Fellout-pipboylight.esp

[X] Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp

[X] Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp

[X] Enhanced Weather - Sneak Bonus during Storms.esp

[X] Enhanced Weather - REBOOT.esp

[X] Fellout-Full.esp

[X] Fellout-Anchorage.esp

[X] Fellout-BrokenSteel.esp

[X] Fellout-PointLookout.esp

[X] Fellout-Zeta.esp

[X] xCALIBRuniverse.esp

[X] xCALIBR - Alternative Path.esp

[X] xCALIBRammo_FWE.esp

[X] f*#@invisiblewalls0.1.esp

[X] HT Unlimited Ammo.esp

[X] AAR525.esp

[X] OutcastUpgrade.esp

[X] Tactical Flamer - 4PAK.esp

[X] Simply_Lockers_rev01.esp

[X] FortIndependenceRedesigned.esp

[X] Weap_Spread.esp

[X] FWEAcceptableTechEVE.esp

[X] Modified_Races_MMM.esp

[X] BoE-WMK Unsorted Weapon Names.esp

[X] DYNAVISION - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp

[X] Directors Chair - Fallout 3.esp

[X] merged patch.esp

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No main menu is usually an orphaned record. A record in a plugin whose formid does not exist in its master anymore or has been repurposed and is of a different formtype now. You are probably looking for an outdated compatibility patch.


From that list it is probably the FWE/EVE FOIP patch. Try Unofficial EVE compatibility patch for FOIP by poopoopapa and Marcuz.

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Yeah i have that patch installed but will try reinstalling it


Updated to the 97 beta of EVE and reinstalled that patch along with the other patch that is there as well and no change still no menu or mouse....

Edited by shadowfx78
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  • 2 months later...
not sure if this is the right place to post to get noticed, but I'm running into the same problem - I had a stable game running with a merged patch but I noticed I wasn't able to add weapon mod kits to FWE guns so I went and added FOIP weaponmodkit + FWE master release.esp to the list and placed in the proper order then opened FO3MasterUpdate.That's when my cursor and main menu disappeared. I'm sure I'm just missing a small but crucial step. I tried creating a new merged patch as well after deleting the old patch and using FO3MasterRestore. Deleting the FOIP file solves the issue, but I would like to be able to mod the guns included with FWE. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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