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Deleting mods


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Hey i realize that there are probably other people who have this same issue but it would take me at least 3-4 hours to go through. So my problem is i originally downloaded the mod called DESCENT INTO MADNESS and after i downloaded it, Skyrim has ceased to work properly. i truthfully have tried everything and probably screwed up my game worse than it was before because i tried to fix my mistake by uninstalling it but then realizing it changed my load order. Then i tried changing the load order around to fix it....it made it WORSE o_O ...so then i tried uninstalling the game and mod manager. but it didn't delete the mods from my load order when i reinstalled them. So how do i go about deleting all my mods that are magically in the plugins, but my mod manager MOD tab is completely empty because i have yet to attempt to download the mods i want again? please help i haven't played since summer started and its literally killing me!! :wallbash:
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To uninstall NMM, go through your normal uninstall procedures. Control Panel>etc etc....That will uninstall NMM.


Then look at where you had NMM store any mods it downloaded. For me, using Windows 7, by default mods get downloaded within my Games folder. C:/Games Inside of there is a folder called, "Nexus Mod Manager" which contains all of my .rar and 7zip files that NMM downloaded. So in order for NMM to download new copies of your mods, delete all of your .rar and 7zip files within that folder.


Your Plugins that you still see are kept within your Skyrim>Data folder....so as long as they are still appearing in that folder, they are going to continue to appear on your plugin tab of NMM.

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the problem though is that i can only assume that i deleted the .rar and 7zip files because recently i just tried to delete every folder and contents of the folders that had the name nmm on it. so idk if the files u mean are called trace files because those are the only nmm files i have left on my entire computer. Edited by lolistarkiller
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The games own launcher lets you delete mods from within it's basic launcher, it also has a up and down arrow to organize or move mods around within it's launcher window


Also you may need to remove meshes, textures and scripts and esp, esm files related to the mod from your program steam skyrim data folder

Edited by sinnerman69
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i'll be the first to admit that when it comes to programs and programming i cant understand what they mean. so should i just go ahead and do wat SINNERMAN69 said about deleting all my mods because truthfully i have no idea wat a proper load order should look like. i totally feel like this though right now :psyduck: Edited by lolistarkiller
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There are easy to follow how to youtube walkthroughs on how to add or remove mods manually from your game at youtubes site!..


I'd give you a text word by word how to, but all my important information and artcles that help me with that are on my external hard drive and it has a power supply issue in which I can't access anything on the drive at the moment and its a terabyte hard drive :wallbash:

Edited by sinnerman69
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