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Why Am I Being Stalked by a Mystic Dawn Agent?


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I created a new Breton Mage and a guy showed up called "Assassin". He didn't attack me, but he is following me around. I spent the night at an inn and he was there watching me when I woke up. I deleted my character and started a new one and he appeared again. I didn't kill anyone, I'm even playing a pacifist, but it's kinda creepy lol. How do I ditch the guy?


This guy:


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Open the console and click on him. If his refID begins with FF then he's from a levelled list and you'll need something like RefScope to find out where he's from, otherwise the first two digits of the refID shown will correspond to the mod that is adding him (and if the first two digits are 00 then he's vanilla and being affected by a mod you have in your load order).

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