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A little kid put a hit out on me :|


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Lars Battle-Born tried to have me killed apparently, I don't remember doing anything to him or getting caught stealing anything. Has this ever happened to anyone else reading this? As a response, I'm putting a hit out on him and I'm hiring me, only I won't end up as a dead body like the people he set on me and he'll be asleep, then he'll be laid to rest. Thank you kill-able children mod.
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dunno what a mod like 'killable children' might be doing to the AI's of your game's named npc's; but,

i think Lars is the boy that's constantly getting bullied by the girl Braith for her own reasons,

there's a Whiterun misc quest to resolve it.

anyway, you were identified as a 'thief' in the note; so, guess you were silently spotted/reported

(probably an animal) stealing something from the house of Clan Battle-Born and

need to work on your sneaking skills around Whiterun a bit lol.


just a side comment, i don't think it's a great idea to kill any named npc children, some of them are

tagged as essential for a reason, some have quests and scripted interactions with other npc's

including the player character.

off topic, when i first watched the events unfold between Clan Battle-Born and Gray-Mane; and,

maybe Lars and Braith, i was hoping there might be somekind nod to a Romeo and Juliet quest; but,

sadly i remembered this was Bethesda ES, a shallow kid's game, and expecting a mature Shakespearian or

engaging romantic storyline in Skyrim would be, umm, unlikely lol.

Edited by xlcr
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The mod I'm using just remove kids' invulnerability as far as I know, I completed that misc quest in a previous play-through where Braith wants Lars to *spoiler* her. But you do make some good points, plus the end result was increased combat xp for me and gold from the dead guys' armor plus no worries about bounty since they wanted to rough me up so Jenassa and I killed them. Perfect example of Hammurabi's "An eye for an eye". Edit: oh yeah I remember he was like 'Trespasser!' when I went to get proof that *spoiler* was still alive to give to *spoiler* who was in hiding.


I'm low level so sucky sneaking ability and I was wearing heavy armor so yeah xp.


Edit to your edit: That would have been cool, everyone in the family can't say one sentence without talking about there stupid feud but wait wouldn't Lars and Braith both be dead anyways from a Romeo and Juliet quest? I guess the kid who tried to get me "roughed up" *fail* and the reigning champion for the title of 'Most Obnoxious Kid in Skyrim' both being six feet under wouldn't be worst thing in the world. I look at the bright side of things.

Edited by BetterTejbz
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just a side comment, i don't think it's a great idea to kill any named npc children, some of them are

tagged as essential for a reason, some have quests and scripted interactions with other npc's

including the player character.

So if I see non-named kid from Populated Cities or something just open fire with my siege crossbow? Got it. xP

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yep, kill all those trash-talkin disrepectful tamriel yuppie larva, play hide-n-seek with your crossbow lol.

i wonder if anyone has ever successfully killed every living thing in an Elder Scrolls game leaving the

entire game world devoid of life?

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dunno what a mod like 'killable children' might be doing to the AI's of your game's named npc's; but,

i think Lars is the boy that's constantly getting bullied by the girl Braith for her own reasons,

there's a Whiterun misc quest to resolve it.

anyway, you were identified as a 'thief' in the note; so, guess you were silently spotted/reported

(probably an animal) stealing something from the house of Clan Battle-Born and

need to work on your sneaking skills around Whiterun a bit lol.


just a side comment, i don't think it's a great idea to kill any named npc children, some of them are

tagged as essential for a reason, some have quests and scripted interactions with other npc's

including the player character.

off topic, when i first watched the events unfold between Clan Battle-Born and Gray-Mane; and,

maybe Lars and Braith, i was hoping there might be somekind nod to a Romeo and Juliet quest; but,

sadly i remembered this was Bethesda ES, a shallow kid's game, and expecting a mature Shakespearian or

engaging romantic storyline in Skyrim would be, umm, unlikely lol.




Did you know Olfina Gray-Mane and Jon Battle-Born? They are lovers just like Romeo and Juliet. She sends a letter to Jon Battle-Born. Here is the letter: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Letter_from_Olfina .

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