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Objects and textures flickering/shimmering


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Hi, my issue is that whenever I go towards an object or move, the textures seem to flicker or shimmer, and I don't know how to resolve it. I use an ENB which uses its own anti-aliasing, which means I had to disable skyrim's AA. Idk if the ENB's AA works because I see jagged edges in a lot of objects, and is more noticeable in load screens. When I turn skyrim's anti-aliasing on, the problem goes away. I have used the same ENB in past modlists, but I never had a severe issue of seeing flickering objects. Changing the AA in the control panel settings didn't seem to work for me aswell.


Here's an example of what my issue is (sorry for the bad quality) https://imgur.com/a/7e80JbT


My enblocal: https://pastebin.com/Akk2XY6R


Skyrimprefs: https://pastebin.com/qdqHgq3t


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What ENB preset are you using? Also, did you modify anything in the enbseries file?


I had to take a double look to see the problem, which was the grass light flickering eh?


Might be an issue with the ENB and whatever lighting mod you are using.

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I am using the Natural Lights and Atmospherics enb, with its plugin and ELFX. I used different lighting mods but flickering is still an issue for me. I did modify my enbseries.ini, but only for subsurfacescattering. I also might've edited some settings that deal with lighting in the enbseries, but idk if that is the issue. The flickering is also showing on the stairs Edited by bigguylarry
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I think the problem is even if you use a newer ENB it won't be 100% tailored to that specific ENB profile. Each ENB update adds new things.


Looking around the only things I found would be to tweak the shadows option in your ENBseries until the problem either goes away or fixes it self.


Sorry if I can't be of more help.

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