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List of Ideas


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There are some ideas that I would love to see a mod of

here is the list


-Sleeping Dragons: Very strong dragons that start off stationary (with good sneak you can get close to it without it waking up) when i say stationary obviously i mean sleeping xD Sleeping Dragons should also be like 15% bigger than regular with a different skin to make them appear awesome :D


-Werewolf Feature: I think it would be cool if werewolves can sneak with an animation of being on all fours so they are a bit stealthy


-MediumArmor(LightArmor+HeavyArmor): Idk how else to explain this but I play as a battle mage(i think they are also called spellblades) on skyrim, and I usually wear a hood (light armor) gloves (light armor) breastplate (heavyarmor) boots(heavy armor) because I like mix and matching armor I can bet this would make it convenient for people like me. Perks could run into three different trees


Magic Damage (for helmets and gloves it could work like, when using a light armor helmet spells cost 10% less magicka when using light armored gloves increases spell damage by 10%)

Defense (Maybe a item classification would help this become more easier, the difference between, Hoods, Hide Helms, Iron helms etc but uhm, Heavy Chest armor rating increase by 10%, some of these would balance it with the other skills

Archery Damage (Light armored gloves make bows 10% faster to ready, (no idea of this is possible) Light armor helmets make bows more accurate making the arrow go farther and actually hit where your cross hair is basically less recoil, if that seems stupid or not possible then makes bows do 10% more damage


purpose of this skill tree is for Battlemages/SpellBlades/CombatArchers


Custom armors would be cool for this too



That's all for now, i apologize if my ideas seem stupid

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More ideas of mine


Dragon Soul Crafting: so there is dragon crafting, but i think using dragon souls and infusing them through enchanting would implement an awesome way of upgrading items combat-wise and lore-wise. Also perhaps a way to enhance high level weapons/shields such as daedric/ebony/mod-made-weapons with dragon bones/scales.


NewSpellPassives: Sometimes when i play skyrim i usually concentrate on a wide variety of different spells such as conjuration/illusion/destruction/alteration but it would be nice if there was an event where you had to choose a beneficiary passive for one of the spell types. Examples would be,

Fire Ice Lightning

Illusion Necromancer Summoner

Restoration ETC


But basically if you chose fire you would have immunity to fire and fire you create does like 5% more damage and has spell vamp for 5% damage dealt damage from ice abilities are reduced by 5%, fire spell damage uses 5% more magicka


Ice: Armor Rating increase by 5% damage from arrows decrease by 10% damage from fire spells increase by 10%


Lightning: activated lightning abilities such as lightning cloak increase speed by 10%, damage,


can't think of anymore passives atm but you get the gist

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