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Alternate Start not working


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Hello, currently trying to reinstall skyrim alongside many mods I have but Alternate Start is no longer working, it is checked in my Plugins List in MO2 but no matter what I am still headed towards helgen instead of spawning inside of the prison cell.

it's gotten to the point where I disabled nearly everything except USLEEP and it still doesn't work.







Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp

Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp


Does anyone have any idea what the cause could be?

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Got all the lasted SKSE files and such? Got Fu Ro Duh or enabled sub titles?


All the important MO bits pointing to where Skyrim is?


Alternate Start is loading after USLEEP and other stuff in your main MO window?


Could also be you might need to reinstall Skyrim entirely. Might be some left over mod files if you used NMM before or something.

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