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The Undying Request: Spears!


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As some of you may be aware, spears have been something that a lot of Skyrim players have begged for for a while. I've been looking into various things like

and Nordic Spears and while they have very appealing spears, they lack one very important detail...


You use spears to pierce and/or stab your enemies, not slap them as if you were using a rubber chicken!


So, I was wondering if perhaps someone could either collab with the author of Nordic Spears (who is looking for an animator) or cobble together an animation resource for people to work with. There appears to already be a kind of animation in-game with the left-handed power attack in the Tytanis video, I assume for 1h swords (I've only ever played 2h) that could probably be tweaked rather easily.


I apologize in advance if this is one of those astronomically easier said than done situations, I realize that there is a lot more to making weapon animations like how the character holds them, idle stance, how it is sheathed and works with a shield or other weapon etc. but I believe that an attack animation to start off with would be superb on its own.

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-snip- There appears to already be a kind of animation in-game with the left-handed power attack in the Tytanis video, I assume for 1h swords (I've only ever played 2h) that could probably be tweaked rather easily.



Or you can try the staff animations, since it also performs a sort of stabbing motion.

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