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Game Freezes placing items in chest


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this is something I just noticed. I just recently started I new game since I haven't played for like 6 months spent a couple days updating everything plus all my mods and dl'd a ridiculous amount of new mods that have come out since I last played I'm sure the problem lies in there somewhere. Anyhow I made my way all the way to Whiterun looting and pillaging everything in sight as usual then decided to take my goods back to Hadvar's house in Riverwood to do a quick drop off and noticed that when trying to put stuff into the chest it freezes my game but I have put stuff in there several times recently with no problems. I let it sit there like 10min still nothing so finally have to ctrl alt del it. Now I don't put stuff away normally all the time sometime I use the consol the player.removeallitems ##### (chest refID) im just lazy hate putting stuff away one thing at a time after collecting that much garbage. Went back to a previous save same thing but in this save hadn't started off to whiterun yet and I dont have anything in my backpack but the clothes on my back I tried it and it still froze so im thinking a corrupted item somewhere, so I drop everything I have on the ground do a quick save and pick up one thing at a time and put it in the chest and it worked fine then took everything out of the chest back into my backpack and did the console cmd to put it all back in and it worked did it several more times even equipping various items in the process so hmm must have worked the kink out I thought grabbed my clothes out of the chest put them back on had nothing else in my bag tried it again one last time and froze... Also noticed once even with nothing in my bag including my gear I still had my iron arrows on my back so took those back out of storage equipped then unequipped them to get them off my back completely tehn deleted them thinking this might have been the issue tried again still froze.. Anyhow sorry for making this a long story I ramble way to much as I've been told on other forums even picked up a name on one of them the random rambler lol. I did pinpointed the problem something went haywire between exiting bleak falls barrow and making my way back to riverwood glad I back up my saves the one directly after I exit bleak falls still works the next save I did 20min later seems to be corrupted still lost about 4hrs worth of looting though until noticing the problem.


and before you ask no my pc is a piece of garbage that shouldn't even be able to run this game on min specs heck it only has a ati hd 5450 graphics card the lowest of the low lol but until now never had a problem in fact I actually only installed the low rez versions of the mods I have when given the choice, before this play through I always installed the high rez versions and bumped my settings all up to high and never had a issue or any real fps issues but if you've seen one tree you've seen them all. And this problem I doubt has anything to do with that more then likely a mod incompatible with 1.7 or dawnguard I would assume anyhow or the fact that I just need to quit being lazy and lay off the console =P


These are all my mods I have as far as BOSS goes not sure how many are just tex or nif and animations files that dont have .esp's or .esm's They are about 70% gear mods but up to this point except the assassins creed armor I haven't collected any of it only got that because the bag with it in it was just out the front door of the riverwood trader



Skyrim.esm Active

Update.esm Active

Dawnguard.esm Active

AmethystHollowsMaster.esm Active

HorseBranding.esm Active

SPODUM.esm Active

WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm Active

JSwords.esm Active

Evil Lair of Hydra.esm Active

ApachiiHair.esm Active

ApachiiHairFemales.esm Active

RaceCompatibility.esm Active

BBLuxurySuite.esm Active

AsharaDimonizedDress.esm Active



Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

HighResTexturePackFix.esp Active

getSnowyV3.esp Active

StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp Active

ApachiiHelmetWigs.esp Active

AV1Dragon_Lords.esp Active

Cat_mount.esp Active

DaedricCrownCraftable.esp Active

DragonCrownCraftable.esp Active

DragonPlateCrownCraftable.esp Active

EbonyCrownCraftable.esp Active

ElvenCrownCraftable.esp Active

EveryoneGetInside.esp Active

Farquar's Girl Gwendolyn.esp Active

GlassCrownCraftable.esp Active

Occupy Skyrim.esp Active

Amiella Outfit.esp Active

AssassinsCreedArmor.esp Active

BBLSspouse.esp Active

BlackSacramentArmor.esp Active

Cloaks - No Imperial.esp

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

Note: Use only one cloaks*esp

Cloaks.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

Note: Use only one cloaks*esp

Cloaks - Player Only.esp

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

Note: Use only one cloaks*esp

CrainteVomir.esp Active

Darklilith.esp Active

Demothris.esp Active

Dovahkiin Mercenary Armor and Weapons CBBE.esp Active

Dovahkiin Mercenary Armored Horse.esp Active

EtherealEdge.esp Active

FionaOutfit.esp Active

Gatti12Jewelry.esp Active

Hentai_mixed_Armor.esp Active

HentaiCasualWears.esp Active

HentaiGaleArmor.esp Active

HentaiMaxiArmor.esp Active

HentaiNightmareArmor.esp Active

HentaiSaberDress.esp Active

HentaiSuccubusArmor.esp Active

HentaiVoidArmor.esp Active

HentaisJamellaArmor.esp Active

isilNarsil.esp Active

iorvethlightarmor_v_1_3.esp Active

JackshCelineArmor.esp Active

JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp Active

KarliahArmor2.esp Active

Nicoroshi Creations.esp Active

Pushup-Bikini.esp Active

R18Pn - Heilige Mutter Armor.esp Active

Raven Set v1.4.esp Active

Remodeled Armor.esp Active

Remodeled Armor - addon.esp Active

Sekirei.esp Active

SkyHeels.esp Active

Sovngarde Steel Armor and Weapons.esp Active

TH3WICK3D1-BlueStripesEliteArmor.esp Active

TrissArmorRetextured.esp Active

Vidala'sDress.esp Active

DeadlyDragons.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

DeadlyDragonsSpells.esp Active

DeadlyDragonsArmory.esp Active

AmethystHollowsUpdate.esp Active

BBLuxurySuiteExt.esp Active

BBLSapachii.esp Active

Elvenwood.esp Active

Review Studio.esp Active

whiteruntrees.esp Active

Better Dynamic Snow.esp Active

Realistic Lighting.esp Active

faster vanilla horses.esp Active

HB BasicRidingAI.esp Active

Killable Children.esp

Killable Children - Quest Important Protected.esp Active

posesivecorpses.esp Active

ToL_Core_by_Brevi.esp Active

ToL_SKSE_by_Brevi.esp Active

UBW.esp Active

FNISspells.esp Active

ShowRaceMenuAlternative.esp Active

Duel - Combat Realism.esp Active

The Dance of Death.esp Active

Crimson Tide - Blood.esp Active

Pinups3.esp Active

Pinups.esp Active

Pinups2.esp Active

Cazy Hairs-by zzjay.esp Active

Fh hairs-by zzjay.esp Active

LovelyHairstyles.esp Active

N_43 Hair Pack.esp Active

numenume Hair.esp Active

numenume femalebrows MARO.esp Active

Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp Active

ButterflyFemaleWarpaint_2_1.esp Active

wyldtat3.esp Active

wyldtat1.esp Active

wyldtat2.esp Active

Improved Eyes Skyrim - Models.esp Active

SPODUM v1.5.esp Active

Hroki Wife Companion.esp Active

HousecarlBeauties.esp Active

multimarriage.esp Active

DudestiaMultiMarriages.esp Active

BBLSHousecarlsmovein.esp Active

BBLSVisitors.esp Active

BBLuxurySuiteClassier.esp Active

EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp Active

WATER.esp Active

WATER - Get Wet.esp Active

PC Exclusive Animation Path.esp Active

Note: Remember to run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe

PC Exclusive Animation Path - Elder Race.esp Active

Note: Remember to run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe

Extended Slider Colors.esp Active





Overlook Tower - BASEv1.esm Active

numenume elf ear.esp Active

RANs Hair.esp Active

bblbra.esp Active

Kawaii Face Presets.esp Active

Lisette Wife Companion.esp Active

Gokstad Sailable Ship v1.3b.esp Active

Overlook Tower - MAINv1.9b.esp Active

Alva Wife Companion.esp Active

ingun_vamp.esp Active

FlyableDragonRacesRevamped.esp Active

Pilfer.esp Active

HentaiLorehaterDress.esp Active

BlackPanty_1.1.esp Active

JackshJillArmor.esp Active

JackshBabyDoll.esp Active

JackshKasumiArmor.esp Active

JackshSaberBlueArmor.esp Active

JackshJuliaArmor.esp Active

JackshMorriganArmor.esp Active

JackshLeixiaArmor.esp Active

JackshSaberArmor.esp Active

JackshSaayaArmor.esp Active

JackshAyaneNArmor.esp Active

JackshBSJinArmor.esp Active

JackshGoldladyArmor.esp Active

JackshSailorVArmor.esp Active

JackshKasumiNinjaArmor.esp Active

Edited by SocialyInept
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yes there all updated to within the last week or at least dl'd within the last week some haven't had a new version out for a couple months however but all the main ones such as skyrim hd, smis deadly dragons etc the bigger ones always stay up to date


this is just a update just happened again lol was working fine dropped everything in there went out mined like 2 ores fought a couple bandits came back after like 10 min to unload that little bit of gear and it was doing its freezing again so went back to my save luckly only a couple minutes behind this time went out mined the same ore fought the same group of bandits came back and put the stuff in the chest just fine.... this game and its glitches lol i think ill just have to make it a point to quick save like every 30 min at the minimum and just put it in the chest from wherever am at to test it from now on then reload if it works I dont want to end up with a completely fubared game just wish I could pinpoint the culprit so I could avoid it there is just to many bugs in this game as is to worry about and try to keep track of. Still a good game though

Edited by SocialyInept
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