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Only show options message when in pipboy menu - Script help?

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Hi guys, i have a script that shows an options message when a piece of clothing is equipped, it works great but the message shows every time i exit power armor or exit a workbench or anything like that that updates the player invintory.


Does anyone know how i can contain the Options message to only show when the player has their pipboy open and not at any other time?



((ive tried listening for onmenuopenclose event and the ontutorial event for the pipboy invintory screen, but neither seem to be working or even detecting the pipboy being open and my options message wont show...))


This is the base script that i have so far without any menu event registration etc...

Scriptname SM_Equip extends ObjectReference

Message Property OptionsMESG Auto Mandatory Const
ObjectMod Property Mod_NoCollar Auto Mandatory Const
ObjectMod Property Mod_Collar Auto Mandatory Const
Bool CurrentlyAttachingMod = False

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
  If !CurrentlyAttachingMod && akActor == Game.GetPlayer() && !akActor.IsInPowerArmor()
    If !NewGameStarted && !CurrentlyAttachingMod && akActor == Game.GetPlayer() && !akActor.IsInPowerArmor()
      CurrentlyAttachingMod = True
      Int iButton = OptionsMESG.Show() ; Shows your menu.
        If iButton == 0  ; Nocollar
            Debug.Notification("No collar selected")
        ElseIf iButton == 1 ; collar
            Debug.Notification("collar selected")
        ElseIf iButton == 2 ; cancel
            Debug.Notification("Style unchanged")
    CurrentlyAttachingMod = False

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions i would love to hear 'em. ^.^

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