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watermark0n - BANNED

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watermark0n banned.





Abusive and threatening behaviour.


"Subscribe to pewdipie" right after the Christchurch massacre perpetuated by you Nazi animals - haha what lulz right? f***ing blow your brains out worthless animals. You are a cancer. Communism will win, death to the evil western civilization. Go blow your brains out Nazi animals.


Inshallah. Death to the west. Death to those who laugh over the corpses of innocents. Death to America. Death to Israel. Communism will when. You Nazis are already at your apex. We will destroy you and your pathetic excuse for a civilization, destroy it and rebuild it anew under socialism. We will destroy imperialism. Go f***ing die you worthless animals.


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Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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