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DMRA Body Texture problems


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Stupid me corrupted by Oblivion data directory. So, I am reinstalling and I am running into a problem getting the DMRA body to play friendly with the body textures. I am using files that I had working just fine together before. Now it seems like something is causing the meshes to look at or tweak texture files differently.


I am using the HGEC OMOD., the HI-Res body and face textures, Growlf's Universal Skeleton, and DMRA BBB meshes.


When I install the Hi-Res body textures, Oiled 1 and Oiled 2 look fine, but if I install the Standard skin (my preference) it appears as Oiled 1. But, I have a different DMRA lower body mesh that does not have the bouncing butt - if I use that, the lower body will appear as standard, but the upper body still shows as Oiled 1.


In addition - the N'Dwyll race now has the issue with the visible seam down the back due to the texture being slightly different colors on each side of the seam. Again, this exact same file worked just fine before. The N'Dwyll shares the Oil/Standard problem in the above paragraph.


If I use the DM (but non RA) meshes that come with the HGEC OMOD the Oil problem goes away, but the N'dwyll still has the seam problem.


Any ideas?




Edited by erc1971
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With texture and mesh replacements, it's all about 'Install Order'. Later installations overwrite the files of vanilla and earlier installs. It sounds like you have installed in a different order than the first time around. This is where using Wrye Bash's BAIN ('Installers' tab) pays dividends because it restores the previous files when you uninstall a mod, and it's 'Anneal' feature deals with moving the install order around. So it's very easy to try out different install orders.


Wrye Bash can install OMODs through BAIN. It doesn't use the OMOD scripts, but most mods have simple structures and install just fine. However, WB/BAIN cannot track the files installed or overwritten by a OBMM install. The 'Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide for Newbies' ["]http://forums.bethso...de-for-newbies] is a great help in getting started, though the updated documentation with WB v300 is now much easier to understand. Between them, these two sets of docs provide the most complete picture of how to use WB. This includes how to restructure a mod to facilitate a BAIN install.



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Don't use OBMM, package everything as BAIN archives.


For Ozmo's high res textures, make a temporary directory (Example: E:\Oblivion Mods\High-Res Textures\Data\textuers) then have the texture installer install there, then package it up with 7zip and drop it in your Bash Installers folder.


Use my Refined DMRA V2 and Growlfs skeleton. You don't need HGEC at all for this, except maybe the Khajiit fix, but other than that one ESP, everything else it installs in unnecessary.

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Thanks to both of you.


I will spend some time tomorrow trying your suggestions and keeping my fingers crossed.


And it looks like it is finally time for me to bite the bullet and learn Wrye Bash after all this time modding.



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Thanks everyone for your assistance.


I ended up solving my problem last night by snagging an old backup of Oblivion I had and copied everything over from the meshes/characters/_male folder and removing the HGEC OMOD, and extracting the High Rez files to a temp directory and copying them over that way.



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