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Request: Dark Souls Armors, Weapons and Combat Style


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I was searching for about an hour about any mods from DS I only found two!, in this site, and one about Andre of Astora in steams.

So is there any chance to make these mods? DS armors, weapons and combat style. I mean there are countless of amazing stuff in DS and we see nothing of them?

I hope someone pick this request.

Thank you in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe my request was too big!

How about armor of Artorias the Abyss Walker? Or Ciaran's armor?


Here some pictures

Ciaran with her weapons


1. The Gold Tracer

2. Dark Silver Tracer

3. Ciaran's armor set




1. Artorias's armor

2. Close picture to Dark Silver Tracer



3. The Gold Tracer


Edited by killerman471
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HOW ABOUT DEESSEE TWO http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22899 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18940 i know thats not what you are looking for and i'm not sure if you've seen them already but it's really the only DS armor mods i could find ;P
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HOW ABOUT DEESSEE TWO http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22899 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18940 i know thats not what you are looking for and i'm not sure if you've seen them already but it's really the only DS armor mods i could find ;P


Thank you I always wanted to see the Elite Knight. The second set is not the Set of Thorns

I hope we see more of them! :dance:

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yeah i know, Zerofrost the maker of Knight Of Thorns Armor And Spear of Thorns pretty much took the armor Dragonslayer Ornstein wears and changed the color and transferred it to Skyrim still i thought you would think it was cool
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm glad this thread is getting some love. Any modders interested ? The Armor in Dark Souls are too detailed to be left alone to rust!

Since it's not fair to comment just up this thread when other users hoping for their ideas to get a chance I'm going to add an EPIC weapon where those who played Dark Souls suffered and shed blood and tears to get!

It's Avelyn !

Here some pictures to feast you're eyes on this masterpiece! I know that there're a lot of crossbow mods out there but this one is probably the most beautiful and with the most creativity, IMHO. Avelyn shoots three bolts in every single shot, but don't think it will make it overpowered because each bolt inflicts less damage.


Here some pictures of the weapon :








Thank you

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