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Small Speculation about Custom Crafting Categories


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For a while now, many modders wished they could create custom crafting categories for their items.

However, from what I know, there is no way in CK that it is possible to achieve.

In case someone does not know:

Items are put into different crafting categories (iron, leather, steel, daedric, etc) after a specific keyword is added to the craftable item. The keywords are like these:











SkyUI has a feature that adds a small icon next to an item to indicate the item type.

It is done via looking at item's keywords. The interface does it itself. The flash-based interface.


Cutting to the chase:


I think it is possible to create custom categories for crafting using the crafting interface.

By creating categories, associated with the new custom keywords in the SWF interface.


Of course, that would give some problems if there are 2 mods that add custom categories. One would overwrite another.

It can be solved if we could get a "global" crafting interface mod, which would feature many new crafting categories and updated "on-demand" by modders.

But hey, we can cross that bridge when we come to it.


I personally have no experience in modding skyrim's interface, but I hope someone with such experience can take a look at this hypotheses.

*waves to SkyUI*


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