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How to adjust weapon sounds?


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Quick question, as thread title states, how do you adjust weapon sounds?


I'm using the Mace of Molag Bal and while equipped but not in use it repeatedly gives off 2 high pitched "tinkling" / treble noises, and it's doing my nut in - I want to banish this tinkering asap!


I've looked in Creation Kit, and best thing I've found is the: "DA10MaceofMolagBal" entry, which seemingly allows weapon sound assignments, but it doesn't read anything as being used for the idle sound (no file name present, and just says "Select Sound") so I don't know what's going on there.


How can I fix this please, because as stupid as it sounds it's almost ruining the game for me at the mo ?!?


Thanks in advance.



EDIT: I've just unequipped my Fast Healing spell that was in my left hand, and the tinkering has stopped, so it was that and not the Mace that was being noisy. So the question now is, how do I adjust SPELL sounds!!!

Edited by LargeStyle
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