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Can't figure out which mods are causing freezes


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I've run into a problem where my game is freezing requiring a task kill and even a reboot sometimes. I've gone through turning on and off various mods but the longest I manage to play before a freeze is about 30 min, sometimes as short as a second from loading.


I've tried creating Merged Patches with FNVEdit as well as Bashed Patches with Wrye Bash, all to no avail. I was hoping someone might have some insight into which mod might be causing it or perhaps a certain combination of mods. I've just run out of options and seem to be getting deeper and deeper into the doo doo as I try to find the problem.


Active Mod Files:


00  falloutnv.esm  [CRC: 26D5B980]
01  DeadMoney.esm  [CRC: D70F165B]
02  HonestHearts.esm  [CRC: 2352B189]
03  OldWorldBlues.esm  [CRC: 7F8F8225]
04  LonesomeRoad.esm  [CRC: 30073D50]
05  GunRunnersArsenal.esm  [CRC: 0AAC938D]
06  ClassicPack.esm  [CRC: 41F95714]
07  MercenaryPack.esm  [CRC: D377B2B9]
08  TribalPack.esm  [CRC: 0DE09873]
09  CaravanPack.esm  [CRC: 228740D1]
0A  Companion Core.esm  [CRC: CF5E979C]
0B  IWR.esm  [CRC: 5B668AA2]
0C  Advanced Recon Tech.esm  [CRC: AF3BFA97]
0D  CHEMS.esm  [CRC: D9A30EBC]
0E  NVEC Complete.esm  [CRC: 17540978]
0F  NVR-Strip.esm  [CRC: 35B57DF8]
10  Project Nevada - Core.esm  [CRC: 2345512B]
11  Project Nevada - Equipment.esm  [CRC: 2B4F3224]
12  RobCo Certified.esm  [CRC: 4BFBB411]
13  Weapon Mod Expansion.esm  [CRC: D3FB484F]
14  WME - GRA.esm  [CRC: 9CEED987]
15  WME - DLCs.esm  [CRC: 5092BAC5]
16  WMVM.esm  [CRC: C9D2C4E6]
17  ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm  [CRC: EC7EB1BE]
18  ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm  [CRC: D4710960]
19  aHUD.esm  [CRC: 00D2CDA3]
1A  iHUD.esm  [CRC: 05B83159]
1B  MikotoBeauty.esm  [CRC: B64F8CC0]
1C  WMR.esm  [CRC: 31C64790]
1D  RHKGilbertCompanion.esm  [CRC: A0ADEFC5]
1E  Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp  [CRC: B4A87776]
1F  Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp  [CRC: 2E724F8C]
20  Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp  [CRC: 1B87EE0C]
21  MMUE+.esp  [CRC: A14A99CA]
22  MMUE-CP-Electrocity.esp  [CRC: 9CA4D1A3]
23  DarNifiedUINV.esp  [CRC: E46691F1]
24  RX-Auto Incremental Save.esp  [CRC: 8B698863]
25  Centered 3rd Person Camera.esp  [CRC: 7494E6DF]
26  IWR - Rebuilt.esp  [CRC: C141CBD1]
27  The Mod Configuration Menu.esp  [Version 1.5]  [CRC: CCCC88E7]
28  The Weapon Mod Menu.esp  [Version 1.1]  [CRC: 057E6EB0]
29  Armor Replacer Child NPC Fix.esp  [CRC: 865BC955]
2A  GoodspringsPlayerHome.esp  [CRC: 40F52CEB]
2B  Cerulean Home.esp  [CRC: 8264B668]
2C  NewVegasExtendedMapMarkers.esp  [CRC: 417FA257]
2D  NVR-NPCs.esp  [CRC: DEAE3309]
2E  NVR-ELECTRO-CTIY_Patch.esp  [CRC: 76823485]
2F  NVR-Version_10.esp  [CRC: 8AFECB3C]
30  Project Nevada - Dead Money (Rebalance).esp  [CRC: A66A29E4]
31  Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp  [CRC: E6D45D29]
32  Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp  [CRC: F61652C7]
33  Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp  [CRC: 833E810B]
34  Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal (Rebalance).esp  [CRC: A0368AA6]
35  NVEC PN COMBO Patch.esp  [CRC: 226AB4F8]
36  NewVegasBounties.esp  [CRC: 79F7F358]
37  NewVegasBountiesII.esp  [CRC: 5B8C0A9D]
38  MercGrenadeRifleDemoPyro.esp  [CRC: 3C2BDF5E]
39  SturdyCaravanShotgunSurgeon.esp  [CRC: 6CCB7667]
3A  Weathered10mmProfessional.esp  [CRC: 9C0047E3]
3B  LootableOldCars_OE.esp  [CRC: 907E523C]
3C  Mojave Express Expansion.esp  [CRC: 3033876B]
3D  You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen.esp  [Version ised]  [CRC: 83178085]
3E  ArmourRepairKits.esp  [CRC: F4589A60]
3F  CHEMS - Benches.esp  [CRC: 893A8083]
40  CHEMS - Basic Chems.esp  [CRC: C2B55F26]
41  MailOrderCatalogues.esp  [CRC: ADF031D4]
42  WMR_Vanilla_R.esp  [Version R]  [CRC: 82785D75]
43  WMR_LonesomeRoad_R.esp  [Version R]  [CRC: 7CD697B5]
44  WMR_OldWorldBlues_R.esp  [Version R]  [CRC: 55A961A7]
45  WMR_HonestHearts_R.esp  [Version R]  [CRC: ACA1BAC5]
46  WMR_DeadMoney_R.esp  [Version R]  [CRC: AC4953AA]
47  WMR_GunRunnersArsenal_R.esp  [Version R]  [CRC: 70A107E9]
48  Advanced Recon Gear.esp  [CRC: 5F566502]
49  Advanced Recon Tech.esp  [CRC: DCCF98ED]
4A  Better Binoculars High.esp  [CRC: AF7E2CBE]
4B  FingerOfGodNV.esp  [CRC: 8AA4DDED]
4C  Advanced Recon Armor.esp  [CRC: 42938886]
4D  dressup.esp  [CRC: 2F6E441F]
4E  FlashlightNVSE.esp  [CRC: DFA50EDB]
4F  Neckchains.esp  [CRC: 79510A23]
50  QS_Blackwolf_NV_Backpackmod.esp  [CRC: 5DF9D6E4]
51  Sunglasses Shipment.esp  [CRC: B426523B]
52  MMUE-CP-PNCore.esp  [CRC: 61EC161D]
53  MMUE-CP-PNRebalance.esp  [CRC: 5217FAFC]
54  MMUE-CP-PNEquipment.esp  [CRC: 3CE5B906]
55  MMUE-CP-PNOWB.esp  [CRC: D7D9F5EE]
56  Companions Commander.esp  [CRC: 4B524D01]
57  ede-e_alert_replacement.esp  [CRC: 48160451]
58  NVWillow.esp  [CRC: 06CA292B]
59  RobCo Certified Friendly Hit Fixer.esp  [CRC: 4D7D7E42]
5A  Companion Sandbox Mode3.esp  [Version 3.1]  [CRC: 0CA05F2A]
5B  MiscItemIconsNV.esp  [CRC: 9979EC6D]
5C  ShilohDS-Color Maps and Icons.esp  [CRC: F969A8D4]
5D  Sorter - Combined.esp  [CRC: F17CA40E]
5E  Sorter - Dead Money.esp  [CRC: 7D7DBBC5]
5F  Sorter - Empty Consumables.esp  [CRC: F506ED77]
60  Sorter - Empty Consumables - Dead Money.esp  [CRC: 8B1177A8]
61  Portable Bedroll.esp  [CRC: 5839D7FA]
62  Weapon Mod Expansion.esp  [CRC: 685F6957]
63  Project Nevada - WME.esp  [CRC: BC51B676]
64  WME - GRA - Complete.esp  [CRC: 5E6F4D4E]
65  WME - DLCs.esp  [CRC: D06CE844]
66  Vurt's WFO.esp  [CRC: 71755F08]
67  ELECTRO-CITY - Inventory Sorters Compatibility Patch - ElectroCityCATEYEvalue.esp  [CRC: 8065A04C]
68  Fellout.esp  [CRC: 6A606ABC]
69  Fellout-OWB.esp  [CRC: 8A00E365]
6A  Imp's Timescale Adjuster.esp  [CRC: 3F0A945F]
6B  MojaveDelight.esp  [CRC: 59C797C3]
6C  RHKGilbertCompanion-Mikoto.esp  [CRC: A7D21BD9]
6D  MikotoBeauty.esp  [CRC: 4DA5C54E]
6E  Personal Fixes.esp  [CRC: 3BB92838]



The Personal Fixes mod just renames/reweights the skill mags in the NVEC Complete mod.

Edited by SkunkMonkey
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give this a try..

Open up the fallout.ini file in: Documents\My Games\Fallout New Vegas:


Find the line: bUseThreadedAI=0

Change it to: bUseThreadedAI=1

Add another line after it and insert: iNumHWThreads=2


This will prevent the game from using more than two cores. Multi-cores cause crashes in the Gamebyro Engine. If the game still crashes change to: iNumHWThreads=1




edit all 3 ini´s located in the (1) main game folder and the (2) savegame folder

make a backup of those files before





also inlude fonv to the exception list of ur AV and if u use FFDSHOW decoder or similar things add fonv also to the exception list from the decoder/or deinstall this.


if it doenst affected then u can also try the fake fullscreen and fnv4gb.



u should try one fixs in a time and see if it fix.


is its maybe a broken mod then u need to disable mostly all mods and only enable 2-4 mods in a time to find the culprit mod. just enable in steps more plugins and test it. this should be the first try u do.



You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen.esp <-- i know project nevada haz a own drink from ur trusyty blabla...

may probably one culprit so far i know..


same to this Imp's Timescale Adjuster.esp

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The INI edits are already in place, so that's not it. I've even tried setting the Affinity to two cores with no luck.


Everything in my Steam folder and below is listed as an exception in my A/V.


I'm using the fnv4gb patch, specifically the one for NVSE.


I've not heard of the fake fullscreen trick, got any details or a link?


I've tried selectively disabling mods to try and locate the culprit, but I've been unable to determine which mod does it. I'll go back and try again. The freezes are just so random that it takes a long time to realize whether or not it's fixed. I've tried to remove all the mods in an effort to load them up a few at a time but the saves won't load. I'll see about dismissing all companions and waiting 72 hours in a small world cell and trying again.


I was wondering about the Canteen and Timescale mods. I'll try removing them as well.


Should I be bulding bashed/merged patches for each test or just leave them off until I find the culprit?


Thanks for the reply!



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no bashed only merged patch...i didnt use bashed patch


so its maybe possible that a) ur savegame is broken / try a new game ^^about the freezing's u should test it with a new game^^ b) the modbase is broken / try a fresh install check the vanilla game for freezings before u add mods bye steps and test it.


is just freaky to get a broken modbase work correct.



fake fullscreen - http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41381 - didn't use it myself because my game is stable so far. but i heard many goods about this fix.

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