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How to Change Mods between save files?


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Okay, so first let me admit something... I'm very new to the whole skyrim modding scene. Very, Very new... so when you explain how to do something, if you could give a little detail, I'd highly appreciate it.


Now to get to my question.


I want to start a new game with a specific set of mods, but I don't want to uninstall mods that are linked to my other games. Is there a way to go about doing this without any serious mishaps, or mess ups?


(Basically, I want to play a game with SkyRe and maybe one or two weapon/armor mods, but I don't want to delete my previous saves, or lose the mods for them. Is there way so the mods from the two save files don't interact with each other?)



PS: If this isn't the right place to ask this, I apologize. I feels like the right place to ask this question, but I could be way off...

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Some forgotten memory tells me this was planned to be part of the Nexus Mod Manager, but I don't think it is as of right now.


The only thing that comes to mind which would accomplish your goal - to swap installed mods for different character profiles, as it were - would be this: SIS, the Skyrim Installation Swapper. I have no experience using it so I cannot help you there, but from what I have heard/ read, it does exactly that, backs up and swaps your game Data folders between other saved profiles, perfect for experimenting with differently modded playthroughs.


Hope this helps.

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There's no need to uninstall the mods, you just activate or deactivate them. I really recommend Wrye Bash. It may look a bit confusing at first, but it has some really good functions (some of them you'll probably never need). With Wrye Bash you can install/uninstall mods, activate/deactivate them, run boss or set the load order manually, keep track of your savegames and much more. I'll try to give an overview of the most basic functions:


Installers tab

Here you can install/uninstall the mods. Just drag the downloaded mod archive into the window and choose to copy or move it. Right-click a mod in the list and choose install/uninstall.


Mods tab

All installed mods are listed in this tab. The game will only take notice of the mods that are currently checked. You can also change the load order by dragging the mods up or down.


Saves tab

The list of your savegames. Selecting a save will show the mods that were active when you made it, so if you want to play an older save, you can see which mods to activate.

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