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Mortal Dovahkiin


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An idea to make the late game more challenging (I find it a bit lame even with ASIS and unlevelled skyrim on master).


After level 40 every time you level up you have to choose to ***REDUCE**** either your magicka, health or stamina by 10 points. This simulates the dovahkiin growing old and eventually dying (sometime around level 81 you would become very fragile).


This way you have a limited amount of time available to complete your quests. Late game enchanting/smithing/alchemy loops actually become essential to stay strong. 100% magic school reduction would be necessary to be able to cast any advanced spells. It also means the player would be punished for power levelling eventually.


Would this be codeable with the tools available?


Would it be fun to play?

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Becoming level 81 would take only a few months in game. I doubt that your character would suddenly crap out and develop Alzheimers, since most people play with the age scale tuned down to the minimum.
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