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Dark Brotherhood


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Now this may seem too much but I think it would be awesome if this was implemented.



The Dark Brotherhood’s Return


At the conclusion of the Dark Brotherhood I felt it was not lively enough. Two additional initiates, Nazir, Babette and Cicero if you kept him alive. Still a weak faction however my idea is the Brotherhood should have the drive for expansion. My proposal is that Nazir should have a new dialogue option upon completion of, lets say 10 contracts from the night mother, to start expansion. Once the above requirement has been met the player should be able to approach Nazir and implement the original tenets and structure of the Dark Brotherhood. Simply put the player should anoint Nazir as one of the hand and the contracts the player gets from the night mother he should pass to Nazir and one of the initiates goes and completes the contract and all gold earned that would be earned form the contract gets added to a general pool that the player does not receive or have access to. After 5 or so contracts are completed and a gold requirement is met the option to recruit more members will pop up in Nazi’rs dialogue. The recruiting can be similar to the Thieves guild recruitment. After so many contracts are fulfilled merchants show up, a Fletcher, smith a magic vendor and Babette should have an increased inventory of wares. In addition to these recruitments the player could have the option of gathering more initiates either from followers or Nazir can tell the player of a potential candidate and the player goes to recruit the NPC. Once the dawnstar Sanctuary has been restored to a fully functional Base of Operations, a set number of contracts are fulfilled the player then should have the option of restoring the Falkreath Sanctuary. By doing this and spending a vast amount of gold the Player then can find a new member of the hand that Nazir or Cicero could pinpoint. Once that quest is done and the gold is spent to fix the Falkreath Sanctuary over the course of time through scripted events the Falkreath Sanctuary will be fully restored and populated with new members. Also afterwards have scripted events where when you walk into a town there is a small chance you will see a brother or sister casually leaving the city as if returning to their home sanctuary from a contract.


Plus I would love to be involved if a team would like to assemble although my CK skills are meager at best.


Also if someone is willing to take part in making this a reality please inform me because although my CK skills are lacking I can aid in story elements and NPCs and such.

Edited by Xaevyn
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Exactly I would love to aid in the development but I mean come on, you just assassinated the emperor, all of tamriel knows it, and any cut-throat would-be assassin is going to want in on the notoriety. Thus causing a decent boom in expansion since apparently the Dawnstar Sanctuary is the last known sanctuary in existence because in Cicero's diary all of the Cyrodillian ones are sacked, the blackmarsh ones are gone and only two are in skyrim and one gets destroyed. Edited by Xaevyn
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I really like this idea. I was disappointed with just doing quests over and over for the night mother myself. Since, as listener you should not be out doing the killing. But, maybe possibly a member gets crippled and becomes a listener allowing you back into the field or something. I also like the reinstatement of the 5 tenants and building it up and then rebuilding the Falkhearth sanctuary. As well as recruiting more Named NPC's possibly like Astrid did you.
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  • 1 month later...
It would be a big project but certainly worth it. There needs to be some new recruits for the Dark Brotherhood after the main storyline of it finishes... its kinda lonely in there and the members that Nazir recruits are practically uninteractive and thats quite dull >.> as the Listener we should be sent with the task to bring in more people
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  • 1 year later...

Is there a mod that turns the Dark Brotherhood into more of a satanic cult society? I'm a chirtian so It's not to feed any fantasies of mine, I mean if it's bad then must be real bad, so I'm just wondering if there's any mod that twists the DB

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Yeah, I would like to see this come to light, I received no interest on the official forums, I think i got a few glances. No replies though.


It would be a big project but certainly worth it. There needs to be some new recruits for the Dark Brotherhood after the main storyline of it finishes... its kinda lonely in there and the members that Nazir recruits are practically uninteractive and thats quite dull >.> as the Listener we should be sent with the task to bring in more people

I agree with you on that point, we should be the ones pointing the finger, wherever we see potencial for the DB, btw isn't there a mod for that?

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