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Follower teleport, formation, and Store All please!


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here's some mods that just scream to be made. really suprised they haven't been yet...


a mod that ends the follower "conga line" single file goofiness. nothing ruins immersion like looking back and seeing 3 or more followers in single file, perfectly spaced. Fallout (it worked in 3 and Vegas) had this and it worked well...



hate it when a follower gets lost or stuck!! this worked well before...


u gave them a device and could call them. there's other mods like it too. and of course the better follower mods have a feature built in, like Cerwiden does n Skyrim.


and the ole Dump It mod...


great mod to quickly store EVERYTHING!


if anyone could make any of these i'd be eternally grateful!

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I don't know if it helps, but Amazing Follower Tweaks (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15524) has a feature I love - if you draw your weapon, your followers are automatically teleported behind you. It's an easy way to get them back together, and especially helpful for those times that you don't realize they aren't with you until after you've attacked something much bigger and badder than you are.


It also has some inventory features that, while not quite "Dump It" in nature, are pretty helpful. For instance, you can ask a follower to take all your duplicate items, or even have them sell the things in their inventory that are not equipped. And give them extra carrying power.


It has a great many other features, too, and is highly configurable, so you can use what you want and pretty much disregard the rest.


But it doesn't cure the conga line.

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