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Binoculars of Dawn - Fallout: New Vegas Mod


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Hey, my name is fr0stsoldier, but I didnt want to go through all the trouble of recovering my account info so I made a new one :D


Anyway, this is my first mod, and I call it "Binoculars of Dawn". This is a reference to Gears of War's "Hammer of Dawn"

Where you could call down an orbital strike on enemies. I decided that since the Binoculars (in New Vegas) are close to

useless, that I would edit it to make it zoom in a lot more, and that you could use it to call in the Orbital Strikes

that are called in from the Euclid's C Finder. Its still a bit buggy (it reloads the Archimedes II charges into the binoculars,

(empty animation) and I am trying to find out how to disable it.Im thinking of making it zoom in at least twice as much as was show in

the video below, (Please Watch!!!!)


Please leave some constructive crititism. I want to know what you like a dislike about this mod, and please note I'm not

going to do some crazy stuff like make the player have Infinite orbital strikes, I just want to make the binoculars more

useful in the game. I am still not done with the mod, and there is still a lot of room for changes.


People that helped me:

- I would like to thank Kobu for his mod called "Better Binoculars 2.1 by Kobu" I used his .inf file to make the Binocular's zoom-in

picture seem a lot more realistic.


- Other than that, All credit for this goes to me :D






P.S. Having Boone's Spotter perk works great with this :D


Here is a video I uploaded:


Pictures: (I could only upload one, max is 250kb...)


Edited by xItzLegitzx94
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I watched the video and I must say that I really like this mod.

Not sure about the name though, maybe needs a military acronym? Like VOST binoculars, Visual Orbital Strike Targeting...or something like that. Just throwing out ideas.


Excellent mod, much better game immersion and more lore-friendly than Euclid's C Finder.

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