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Skyrim Newbie! Quick advice needed :)


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Hi there!


Ive never played any of the Skyrim / oblivion series before, but after a stint on the witcher 2 I thought id give an open world RPG a go, so bought skyrim the other day (but not danguard as yet).


I love modding games and no doubt this is how to make them better if done properly!


Was hoping someone could give me an idea of which mods would be good to install for a first play....and which ones wont conflict with each other?


Been looking at lots of mods including the skyrimHD, armour mods, skyUI, skyrim redone, plus some smaller ones like the footprints, lunari race,crossbow....etc etc.


I believe the best way to install is through the nexusmod manager?


would it perhaps be better to purchase dawnguard first?


Am dying to get started so any help would be appreciated :D



Edited by leoneleven
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Basic suggestion: Get through the cave at Helgen before adding any mods.

Then look for mods that you like. The "most endorsed" area probably has reliable mods, although some may be obsolete. Pick 1 mod at a time, read the entire description and readme of the author to understand proper installation and known inssues/conflicts. Run Boss after each additon for optimal load order. If you have problems, don't add more mods til you work out what is up. No one knows what mods anyone else will love/hate, and a mod that works great on one set-up may not be as smoothly running on your hardware/software/game settings, etc.


Personally, I'd play through on vanilla before adding mods. The mod manager is my choice. the workshop will update your mods without your permission, and I had major crashes because of that.


Bben's blog has all kinds of awesome info that can help you.

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Just Say "No" to Mods!


Play the game for a few days without any mods to see what it is like. Then you will know what sort of mods you want. Some mods make the game worse rather than better. It would be a shame if you installed mods like that and suffered with the game forever after without knowing how good the game can be without those mods installed.

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Basic suggestion: Get through the cave at Helgen before adding any mods.

Then look for mods that you like. The "most endorsed" area probably has reliable mods, although some may be obsolete. Pick 1 mod at a time, read the entire description and readme of the author to understand proper installation and known inssues/conflicts. Run Boss after each additon for optimal load order. If you have problems, don't add more mods til you work out what is up. No one knows what mods anyone else will love/hate, and a mod that works great on one set-up may not be as smoothly running on your hardware/software/game settings, etc.


Personally, I'd play through on vanilla before adding mods. The mod manager is my choice. the workshop will update your mods without your permission, and I had major crashes because of that.


Bben's blog has all kinds of awesome info that can help you.


thanks for the info. Good advice Im sure to install one at a time.


Is there a boss after the cave, with which i can test my setup with? I dont have a beast of a pc but it is a factory-overclocked (4.2Ghz, 8mb Ram) so im pretty confident I could run a few mods? I guess Im just worried bout some conflicting with others.

Surely with the main mods there would be many people who had tried the basic few combinations? I was hoping they could start me off, but thanks a lot for the info (and the new term in my vocab, 'vanilla') ;)


also, surely some mods only come into play many hours into the game.....so how can you test whether they work or not without playing through...?


thanks for the link..

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Play the game for a few days without any mods to see what it is like. Then you will know what sort of mods you want. Some mods make the game worse rather than better. It would be a shame if you installed mods like that and suffered with the game forever after without knowing how good the game can be without those mods installed.



point taken thank you, but surely some mods like the tried-and-tested hi-res texture packs can only make the game better?


well I thought from the good descriptions on the mod forums, and with some pretty mainstream mods...that I could install a few without messing things up :D

Edited by leoneleven
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