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Sound bug?


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Soo...you intentionally linked to a video file of skimpy armor and called it a sound file? A three second clip is not useful to try to hear anything to help you. Maybe you could post a longer sound file without the skimpy armor shot, which is unrelated to your problem.
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Yep...that's some weird stuff. Thanks for the better clip.

First off, what is your sound driver set to? Try 16 bit 44K or 16 but 41k. Higher quality (like 24 bit) tend to give people problems.


If that doesn't solve your problem, try updating your sound card drivers. Sometimes that does the job.

If you have Creative XFi and Windows 7 64-bit, there are ongoing problems, this link might help you. (it's a Microsoft link)


To me it sounds like a loop...Is it the same sound wherever you go?


Next I'd try verifying you cache through steam. It could be a game sound file corruption and that could be fixed if your verify your cache.

If you can rule out the sound card and the main game, then my next guess would be mods.

I know sounds of skyrim was having problems, but I think that was more bloat than anything, although I had an issue with birds sounding like squeaking windshields.

If you have any sound/music/weather mods, have you tried uninstalling them and then using the steam verify game cache thing to make sure the removed files are overwritten with the defaults.



That's all I can think of at the moment...hope something there helps!

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