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NPC's From several different Mods are not interacting


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Quite new to modding Skyrim. Due to internet issues i am having to manually download them onto my Desktop then import them into NMM. I have imported two companion mods and one pet vendor mod and the NPCs will not interact with me. Their is head movement and they are tracking me but when I attempt to interact I get nothing. As it has happened with three different mods I know the fault is my own and I was wondering if anyone has any advice to solve this issue. Thank you in advance for you help and I apologize if a similar thread has already been posted.
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There is a known dialog bug since the last update. It's also possible that the modder who wrote the mod(s) did not properly set the detect parameter. Post to the specific mod's page your concerns. Maybe the author of it already has a fix or is not aware of the issue yet.
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