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Rock Band 2


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I play..as you know. THough there are programs that let you make you own music and things...and I would always suggest learning an insturment if possibe..I love it. I love to play with my daughter...its fun and non-violent...then entire family can play...all good if you ask me.


Last night I rocked so hard on Alice in Chains "Man in a box" I knocked things off the top of the television! Ha Ha

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my dad and my sister are playing it right now.what's weird is my sister plays using her thumb to hit the green button.



Does she thing she is Jimi Hendrix?

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she says that it's easier that way.


She is channeling Jimi then! He played with his thumb!

When me and my daughter practice some we will have to play the band vs band thing!!

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when my dad told the people he works with about her they thought he was lying then he recorded her playing and now they're all trying to play it with there thumbs.yeah band vs band would be cool.
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