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I'd like to work on the Arena...


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If anybody's willing to help me, I'd love to improve the arena- at least, in my eyes. I'm going to bullet-point my ideas, as I doubt a block of text will attract anyone's creative eye.


-I'd like to allow continued fighting against the Yellow team, even as Grand Champion. Maybe you can see Ysabel and she'll tell you there's a challenger for your title. Maybe handicap or group battles also, just for fun. (However- I don't know how to make scripts, so I'd have no idea how to do any of this.)


-I'd like to be able to fight giant creatures in the arena- ie, a scale 2.50 Land Dreugh- in the Arena. I've made a lot of giant creatures, and they're fun, but it'd be nice to be able to do it officially, and get paid some.


-Also, I dislike the idea of a yellow and blue team. I've made textures in GIMP for a black team and a white team. The black team uses VagabondAngel's Godai, the white team (NPCs) use his Itai. It looks cool.




In addition, if anybody does want to help me with the giant creatures idea, I figure the arena will need to be stretched. Is this easy? Or even an option?


What'd be really nice is if you could talk to Ysabel about defending your title, or just fighting two or three opposing team NPCs for fun, and speak to Owyn about battling giant creatures.


This, I think, is what the arena should have been in the first place. I doubt anyone would pay to see a respected warrior killing a boar. Freak animals? Ancient Romans (who I'm guessing the Imperials are based on- just maybe) would have eaten that up.


My original idea was to make a new arena outside of Cheydinhal, but now I think it'd be fine to modify the IC Arena. I've already done some work towards it, but my modding skill is amazingly limited. I've 'customised' some other mods, such as ArenaBattles and replaced the textures to make black/white teams, changed the included NPC Allies to make them more appealing, and added clones into the bloodworks for continuity. But I'd just like to see the thing complete, and finished somewhat professionally. I'd need help with this, but I think it'd be worth it.



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Stretching the arena could be a problem because you'd need new meshes for that. You could simply scale it, but that would be awkward. Other than that there shouldn't be a problem with it.


Giant creatures sound hella fun, letting them have a few extra super-anoying abilities would be that much better.


Creating a new and better arena outside of cheindenhall sounds... Err.. Ridiculous, the IC arena is the grand arena after all. The rest is simple.

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That was the conclusion I came to. So far, I've been working off ArenaBattles, and I have 4 new NPCs fighting for my black team, and 4 new NPCs on the white team. Everything runs smoothly and looks good. This is about as far as I know how to go.


See, I can make a giant creature as well as any noob- take the default test model, and upscale it, then placeatme the formID. What I can't do is make it so you talk to an Arena official and have it summoned into the arena. I also have no idea how to edit scale on buildings.


I've given up on moving the arena, but what I'd like is for Ysabel to organise battles against the White team, either one on one hard challenge, or a handicap match against some easier foes just for fun, and then have Owyn (who's rather redundant after you beat Agronak) organise battles against certain giant creatures. I have no idea how to do any of this.


So I suppose you could say I'm begging for help. Obviously this mod will be released, and any assistance will be fully credited.

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... Something I hadn't even considered. This might be because I've disabled the gates on my game... but still, you're right. I'd need those giants placed in the centre of the arena, not behind the gates, in order to get round that- or have them summoned in. But, I want to be able to slash up the corpse afterwards... especially, seeing as I have Deadly Reflex, it's nice to look at the charred corpse of a twenty foot tall Elytra.


I'll bear it in mind- I wouldn't have thought of it. Lateral thinking... I like it ;)

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If anyone can help me, I'd be very grateful. I'm trying out what I was told to, and I've found more trouble. Nothing's simple...


As I stated earlier, I'm working off the 'ArenaBattles' mod, or Mod 12. I'm looking at Ysabel's dialog, and under the option which applies to my level, the result text reads "ICOgre16Ref.Resurrect

set ArenaICGrandChampion.FightType to 7"


Well, I've looked through scripts, and through the creature list, and ICOgre16Ref. doesn't seem terribly easy to find.


I wonder if I can state my problem in the simplest way.


If I were to make a creature, based on the test models (I've done this before, it's danger-free and works well), simply upgrading the scale, foot weight and strength stats while lowering the speed stat massively, which would keep all FormIDs the same, how would I get Ysabel to offer me a fight with that creature? I'm aware that I'm asking for a lot of help, but it seems there's been a little bit of interest in this mod idea, and I could just stare at this screen forever, not learning, not being productive if this carries on. Struggling a bit, you might say.



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ICOgre16Ref isn't a creature, it's a refference, those are for spawning monsters. However you did well finding that the rest should be like this (although I'm not sure because I haven't look yet, firing up the CS as I'm writing this) there are diffent dialogues for different levels spawn different creatures at theese refferences. So what you have to do is create your custom creatures, create the refferences in the arena and add new dialogue options to Ysabell which would trigger the script which spawns your custom creatures arround theese refferences.


Lemme look at it first though, because I'm practicaly guessing.

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