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How will future games deal with The Endings?


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This is something I've been wondering about for a while but have only now decided to discuss with people. Every one of the game's 4 main endings (the ones decided your faction) leaves the Mojave in very different states, which makes future references to the events of NV hard. Does anyone have any theories on how they'll work this out without betraying the choices of players? My best guess is that they'll pull a "Warp of The West" and have something happen to make every ending be technically true while leaving it ambiguous to who the Courier actually sided with.
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They seem to go with a canonical ending as opposed to an ambiguous one. For example, it's possible to wipe out any town in FO2, have it stated in the ending that it was destroyed, yet in NV the town is repeatedly stated to be intact. (New Reno andKlamath for example.) Meaning that it is canonical that the Chosen One made this choice or that choice. There's no way they could somehow manage to fit every ending into one.
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Given how the whole theme of the game seems to be "stop clinging to the past" and how the House, NCR, and Legion endings all involve their old ways being instated for the rule, I imagine that the Wild Card ending will be used as the canon, and they'll broad stroke some of the lesser details, if they have to mention it at all.
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However, you could argue that the use of canonical endings was because those were the good choices in a game where every choice was about morality and good always triumphs in a good story. In New Vegas, your choice among the four factions is more about about ideology, and even the Legion is mentioned to have redeeming qualities. Also, even with the theme of letting go of the past, you can still see any faction besides the legion as trying to build their own future. For example, The NCR is never shown saying anything along the lines of "We are the reincarnation of the United States Government," or anything else to indicate that they're only trying to reclaim old world glory. Also, Mr. House may be trying to gain power similar to that he possessed as a rich pre-war businessman, but he is shown to want to bring about genuine progress. So yeah, an ambiguous way of talking about the events of the game would still be better in my opinion, and is made easier by how the Legion is shown to be so evil that they can only lose in the aforementioned stories. It could go something like: During the Battle of Hoover Dam Yes-Man launched a coup with or without the Courier while either the original Mr. House or a backup AI attempts to stop him, resulting in a Securitron Civil War. The Mojave soon becomes a war zone as whatever faction had won the battle has their claim contested by the other two, the state of things is unknown as all communications to and from areas outside the Mojave are being blocked by House or his AI.
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They could just never reference it again. Unlikely, but possible.


I actually think this is the likely scenario. I doubt any future fallout games will refer to FONV, except maybe in passing reference. In part (and maybe no small part) because it was an Obsidian creation and not a Bethesda one.

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.. New Vegas was an Obsidian creation and still referenced the Bethesda-created Fallout 3, after all, so I think it'll still get referenced in some way.


Oh, I wouldn't totally discount the chance of some passing reference, but not to an extent anywhere near where one particular ending out of the 4 possibilities becomes relevant.

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