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How to use mods or commands to switch career?


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Here's what I wish to do:

I'm at level 50. I want to re-create my character, remove all levels, skills and perks. Then I want to add all 50 levels, skills and perks back again, so I can rebuild my lvl 50 fighter to a lvl 50 mage (just an example), without having to re-do all quests.


Can I do that with console commands or mods somehow?

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I know there is a reset perk mod, but I haven't tried it. I ran across it on SkyRe's description. I think it needs SkyRe uncapper to work, but I could be wrong. Sorry I wanted to get you a link, but it appears the Nexus' search function is down at the moment. :unsure:
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You could try doing it manually with the modav command?


Not sure if it works on skills though.




player.modav onehanded -50

for -50 onehanded

player.modav twohanded 50

for +50 twohanded


i havent come across a command that can change levels, best bet would be to keep track of ur skills manually and adjust them via modav (if it works)

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