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Favorite console commands?


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tgm when i just wanna get it done


tcl when im stuck


unlock when i feel like it


resurrect when i feel sorry for someone


not really much else, but i will start using the fov i think.


I also never give myself gold, it just makes the game too meaningless to me, but i do sometimes give myself an item (like the vampire royal armor, too cool a piece to wait half the dlc to get it).


oh yea and setstage (only if i need it).

Edited by Wraithofdoom
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TFC 1 - For those action poses and such. And just for seeing if something fell through the ground...

player.modav carryweight -150 - I hate carrying 300 lbs worth of stuff, really immersion breaking. (I adjust it based on gender / body type naturally)

setscale - Nothing more epic than fighting a giant demon, or being a slightly smaller character. (Skyrim Sizes is a must too)

TCL - because jumping off a ledge in a cave and getting stuck in a brazier isn't fun.


I think that about covers it. I reckon I'll start using player.additem 000000f 1000 in the future, because paying 1k to use the new face change npc is a little much.

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I used to use the carry weight command but then I found the excellent Bandoleers mod.


My first Skyrim game I didn't use the gold cheat, but I got so ****** *** about the lack of buyers for quality armaments IN THE MIDDLE OF A CIVIL WAR that now I just start with a million and only pick up the items I want to use or display.

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