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No Stone Unturned - Just Missing


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Does anyone know a way, using console commands to cheat my way through the No Stone Unturned quest? I have spent the last couple days going from one place to another collecting the Stones of Berenziah. I have a list and I know exactly where they all should be. I should have remembered though, it isn't truly Bethesda if there isn't a bug somewhere. I have 23 out of the 24 stones. I know where the last one is supposed to be. It should be upstairs in the master bedroom of the Black Briar house in Riften. Of course, it isn't and I am stuck with 23 worthless stones. I looked up the ID for the stone and typed in, "played.additem 0006d626 1" and it comes back with the message, "Invalid inventory object".


Anyone know how to get around this?


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