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Some more new food


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And just for the sake of clarity, I wasn't expecting the syrup to be pourable, I just wanted it on the table -- as a condiment. I mean if I could have anything I wanted! :D


And even if not, these are really just wonderful! Thanks for working on them!

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I spent many frustrating hours trying to get it to work, and I did have weight on the items, both in NIFskope and of course in the CS entries themselves. If this does all get cleared up, I'll add a bottle of syrup.


(BTW, I appreciate the encouragement)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Of course, and I was also composing some update news on my tower mod, which I think should be done within a couple of days. With the help of SickleYield, I now understand how to make the collisions work properly. I'll switch to the food instead of the tower, since the food will probably be faster to finish.
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All of this looks fantastic and I'm sure it'll be downloaded many, many times. Great work you did. About the problem of items floating in the air, when you figure it out how about making a new mod? You could make disks that the player could throw out to walk on or to get to those high places. Something like Magneto did in the second X-Men movie.
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It's figured out, it was part of the collision problem. If you want disks you can throw out to hang in the air that you can walk on, I think the way to do it is to have a collision object on the mesh, use static settings when saving the NIF, but define it as a clutter object in the CS.
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Okay, the final spread. And I added the syrup. Just need to tweak the collisions on the syrup and the cake, and I think it's done. I hope the "brute force" collision boxes aren't annoying. They're a lot like most of the clutter in the game, liking to float up a bit off the surface you put them on, but it was either that or watch them fall right through the floor.



Should be ready to upload by tomorrow.

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