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Skyrim SSE Creation Kit Startup Issue


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Good Evening all was trying to launch the Creation Kit and I get an error message stating its looking for the ConstructionSetNetwork.ini file. One does this file actually exist? Read some things out there that actually led me to believe this was a file from Oblivion. Also as far as the SkyrimEditor.ini and SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini, I am assuming the CK is looking in Steam\Steamapps\Common\SkyrimSpecialEdition and not the Skyrim Special Edition folder in your profile. Yes some people are going to say have steam verify the files which in turn could mess up my mod build. This file doesn't exist and reinstalling does not replace it and unless there is an issue with the Steam version of SSE. I would just assume copy past the info and create my own ConstructionSetNetwork.ini but I can't seem to find anything out there on this file.




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Well, I don't have that file in my SSE directory, and my creation kit launches fine. Make sure you're using the correct version of the kit, and run it as admin if you can.

I installed this a while ago and highly recommend it for making the creation kit less annoying.

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Yep, I installed thru steam only, and i was all messed up till i got rid of it and went thru Bethesda.net. Which, tbh, once you get it installed the correct way is but a minor annoyance of having it running and having to log into it occasionally...

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