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Best SSE mod guide for 2019?


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Just wondering if there was any consensus as to the best guide for those with more capable PCs (plenty of VRAM and good GPU)? I've done Nordic's guide in the past. That's being revamped. I'm also familiar with YASHED and TUCO which are targeted toward beginners. Any thoughts?

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Guest deleted6419983

man you dont need guydes i have made my skyrim totally awesome and with only immersion mods and i did not need any guide only think i had to learn was a little bit of editing in XEDIT which is rly eazy and cleaning some mods with QAC and make load order good looking and i did not even use loot for that just to see if i miss any patches and my game is even more stable i also use dyndolod Cathedral mods including lumniocity TPOS 2 and some more little immersion mods

Fot combat i did choose vigor

And for survival i have vitality mod which i rly encourage you to try out if you dont want micromanage like i need lets you to do. Combined with Skyrim Heart rate and imperious where i edit a base Carry weight to not be 300LB but only around 100 for all Races my game is simply much more fresh if you want i can send you my load order and se it for yourself.

I had have a second one without TPOS2 where i had more mods that add stuff into the world like patroll objects and things like that but with TPOS2 you dont acutally need that so my load order is around 235 ESP and when i did finally switch from Ineed and Cardio SE to the mods mention my game is also appear much more Stable. I have been digging through all of the mod on nexus around a month until i found perfect mods setup i did also several times had to reinstall SE completly but it is just a thinkg with modding. But if you acutally do it solo without Some supid Guides you will have rly much better Feel from The game :)

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Sure, I'd be glad to look at your load order for inspiration. What did you do for NPC overhauls or did you just stick with vanilla? With my old system, everything fell apart when I tried to use ENBs or Dyndolod. (2 gigs VRAM not enough) I shouldn't have problems with new system.

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Guest deleted6419983

well i did also want to try out ENB my pc Is Good Enough to handle it but even with some smaller ESP i did Lost about 10 FPS in some Areas at it rly dosent what i want i want constant 60 FPS so instead of ENB i tryed all of Diffreant weather and LIghtining mods and trust me when i say good lightining and weather mod do rly a lot and in some cases you dont even need an ENB

So i did CHoose Cathedral Grass mod which is stick with vanilla and the reason for that is i did want to keep vannila feel but only enhanced. This mod adds density but in lore Friendly Way

From this i also Use Cathedral Weather where you can choose presets in MCM and man all of the options look amazing i also try Obsidian even Vivid but Cathedral WEather just blow up my mind

And For Lightining again Cathedral Lumniocity which is frecking cool i did favor ENLFX for a long time but a downside for that for me was it did require a lot of compatibility patch so i tryed out all alternetives that are on The nexus and Lumnicity was simply the best for me Because it dosent change light in any drastic way but instead only Enhance them to make them look better and as far as you put Lumniocity at the End Of your Load Order you shoudnt have any Incompatibity issues.I use Obscure College of WInterhold for College overhaul and it has patch for Lumniocity

For NPC i did Stick With WICO for me the only NPC replacer and also because with other replacer sometimes replace only one race and you end up with a lot of ESP and Wico have Some compatibility patches for a lot Very Well Known mods

Than i did pick NPC outfit Correction

And Better Dressed NPC

For Children i use TK Children (Because it feels more vanilla and is more compatibille than RS children and i dont like anime Style) and there is one mod that replace only Childrean Wearings and that is Prince and the Pauper SE

tahn some Follower mods

Diverse Skyrim

Nethers Follower Framework

+Immersive Armors

More Improve Closefaced Helmets

And Some Standalone armors

Also rly like

Blanket Scarf Earth Tones Edition - 20 styles which is rly nice for Frostfall and there is optional file on nexus that make NPC wear them


As Far of Textures i go with Cathedral Grass above


Noble Skyrim

There is patch for Smim and noble skyrim and Smim on nexus

And some additional Retextures mods

If you are more interested in all of my retextured mods im using and load order i download them in PM me and i will Send you link in direct order as i have them installed and overwrite each either


Without Further Due here is my mod list which is finally Final and Pretty Stable if you dont know what some of The ESP is fill Free to ask.

Note you dont Find I need in my load order i have try it out i was LVL 10 and i had to reinstall it because it did just take me a lot from actuall gameplay and i had to Micromanage a lot and instead i Downloaded Vitality Mode which is compatibille with everything on its own

0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
6 6 LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm
7 7 DynDOLOD.esm
8 8 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
9 9 TKChildren.esm
10 a Campfire.esm
11 b FloraRespawnFix.esp
12 c Footprints.esp
13 d SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp
14 e Cathedral Concept - Lightweight Grass Overhaul.esp
15 f LGOS 3.esp
16 10 LGOV 9.esp
17 11 Cathedral Dynamic Snow.esp
18 12 Cathedral Concept - Lightweight Grass Overhaul - Really Blended Roads.esp
19 13 Cathedral Water Overhaul.esp
20 14 Cathedral Weathers.esp
254 FE 0 CathedralWeatherMCM.esp
21 15 Skyrim Better Roads - All In One - Merged.esp
22 16 bochkihd.esp
23 17 FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp
24 18 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
25 19 AltStartRaceMenuActivator.esp
26 1a MoonAndStar_ImmersionPatch.esp
27 1b MoonAndStar_MAS.esp
28 1c DBM_MAS_Patch.esp
29 1d ForgottenCity.esp
30 1e Helgen Reborn.esp
31 1f DBM_HelgenReborn_Patch.esp
32 20 QaxeWinterholdRebuild.esp
33 21 Missives.esp
34 22 KagrenacsWisps.esp
35 23 OCW_Obscure's_CollegeofWinterhold.esp
254 FE 1 OCW_LotD_FEPatch.esp
36 24 tpos_complete02_RTCWG.esp
254 FE 2 tpos_Obscures_CollegeofWinterholdPatch_Full.esp
37 25 tpos_LOTD_MarkarthHeightspatch.esp
38 26 tpos_LanternsOfSkyrimpatch.esp
39 27 tpos_forgottencity_entrance.esp
40 28 tpos_SkyrimBetterRoadspatch.esp
41 29 Lanterns of Skyrim Light Balance Patch.esp
42 2a OutlawsRefuges.esp
43 2b OutlawsRefugesProgressionPatch.esp
44 2c SkyrimSewers.esp
45 2d SkyrimSewers_OutlawsRefuges_Patch.esp
46 2e The Great City of Rorikstead.esp
47 2f The Great City of Dragon Bridge.esp
48 30 Man Those Borders!.esp
49 31 tpos_ManThoseBorderspatch.esp
50 32 Point The Way.esp
51 33 enhancedskyforge.esp
52 34 Immersive Bleak Falls Barrow.esp
53 35 HighHrothgar ShelterS.esp
54 36 Bells of Skyrim.esp
55 37 TravelByBoat.esp
56 38 WayshrinesIFT.esp
57 39 Drinking Fountains of Skyrim for SSE.esp
58 3a Immersive Jewelry.esp
59 3b DBM_ImmersiveJewelry_Patch.esp
60 3c More Clutter In Skyrim.esp
61 3d SkyrimsUniqueTreasures.esp
62 3e OpulentThievesGuild.esp
63 3f AllThievesGuildJobsConcurrently.esp
64 40 PxR - NoMoreRandomGuildThieves.esp
65 41 Sanctuary Reborn.esp
66 42 goodbrother.esp
67 43 DBM_GoodBrother_Patch.esp
68 44 Companions Radiant Quests Requirement.esp
69 45 bettercompanionliving.esp
70 46 Penitus_Oculatus.esp
71 47 CollegeStudents.esp
254 FE 3 OCW_ICNs_FEPatch.esp
72 48 NotSoFast-MageGuild.esp
73 49 MagiCollege.esp
254 FE 4 OCW_MCMSfA_FEPatch.esp
74 4a ImperialRewards.esp
75 4b ImperialMail.esp
76 4c ImperialMail - DBM.esp
77 4d Hunting in Skyrim.esp
78 4e tpos_HuntingInSkyrimpatch.esp
80 50 Inigo.esp
81 51 EMCompViljaSkyrim.esp
82 52 zMirai.esp
83 53 HothFollower.esp
84 54 Lucien.esp
85 55 Lucien-MoonandStar-Patch.esp
86 56 PrinceandPauper.esp
87 57 TKChildren.esp
88 58 No NPC Greetings.esp
89 59 SkyrimReputation_SSE.esp
90 5a Realistic AI Detection 2 SE - Medium Interior, Medium Exterior.esp
91 5b nwsFollowerFramework.esp
92 5c Better Dressed NPCs.esp
93 5d NPC Outfit Corrections.esp
94 5e WICO - Immersive Character.esp
95 5f WICO - Immersive Dawnguard.esp
96 60 WICO - Immersive People.esp
97 61 WICO - USSEP Compatible Patch.esp
254 FE 5 Qw_WICO_USSEP Patch.esp
254 FE 6 OCW_WICO_FEPatch.esp
98 62 Dr_Bandolier.esp
99 63 1nivWICCloaks.esp
100 64 BandolierForNPC - Realistic Enchantements.esp - The tweks for wintersun i made actually encuarage you a lot to use this mod
101 65 BandolierForNPC - Winter is Coming Patch.esp
102 66 ColovianNobleClothes.esp
103 67 ImperialFineClothes.esp
104 68 ColovianFurClothes.esp
105 69 WildlingFurArmor.esp
106 6a BlanketScarf.esp
107 6b BlanketScarvesLeveledLists.esp
108 6c FurCoat.esp
109 6d Separate Hoods and More.esp
110 6e QwibGuardArmor.esp
111 6f imp_helm_legend.esp
112 70 imp_helm_USSEP.esp
113 71 OpM_imp_helm_DB.esp
114 72 ArcherCuirassUltimate.esp
115 73 DreamBurrowsRegalHuntsmanArmor.esp
116 74 Masters of Death.esp
117 75 Volkihar Knight.esp
118 76 Ark_Battlemage.esp
119 77 BattlemageArmor.esp
120 78 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp
121 79 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
122 7a DBM_IA_Patch.esp
123 7b imp_helm_Immersive_Armors.esp
124 7c Unique Uniques.esp
125 7d Lore Weapon Expansion.esp
126 7e Lore Weapon Expansion - Daedric Crescent.esp
127 7f Lore Weapon Expansion - Goldbrand.esp
128 80 Lore Weapon Expansion - Relics of the Crusader.esp
129 81 ScopedBows.esp
130 82 ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp
131 83 The Huntsman.esp
132 84 Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp
133 85 DBM_KelCrossbowPatch.esp
134 86 Circlets and Masks with all Robes and Hoods.esp
135 87 Circlets and Masks with all Robes and Hoods - Winter Is Coming.esp
254 FE 7 OCW_LLO_FEPatch.esp
254 FE 8 OCW_MLU_FEPatch.esp
136 88 LSC_MLU Patch.esp
137 89 hovering torch.esp
138 8a skyBirds_SSE.esp
139 8b BirdsAndFlocks_SSE.esp
140 8c BuryTheDead.esp
141 8d Immersive Horses.esp
142 8e DBM_ImmersiveHorses_Patch.esp
143 8f HoldBorderBanners.esp
144 90 GoToBed.esp
145 91 SleepTight.esp
146 92 DestructibleDisplayCases.esp
147 93 PumpingIron.esp
148 94 LFGCustom.esp
149 95 AK- Clothe Dead NPCs.esp
150 96 VendorComments.esp
151 97 ReadingTakesTime.esp
152 98 Coin Toss.esp
153 99 SimpleTaxes.esp
154 9a TrainAndStudy.esp
155 9b reflection-levelupmessages.esp
156 9c Choose Your Starting Skills.esp
254 FE 9 ChooseYourSign.esp
254 FE a ChooseYourSign_LAL.esp
157 9d Optional Starting Spells.esp
158 9e honedmetal.esp
159 9f Trade & Barter.esp
160 a0 Cursed.esp - alternate dead option
161 a1 Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp
162 a2 Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim.esp - Here i did Change Base Carry waight for all Race around 100 in Xedit i dont like having to be able to have a full load of 300 units from start
254 FE b Wintersun - USSEP Patch.esp
254 FE c Wintersun - LotD Patch.esp
254 FE d Hunting in Skyrim - Wintersun Patch.esp like this more than Hunterborn only hanced how Gathering materials is manage Which is more immersive
163 a3 challenging_spell_learning.esp - More Immersive Spell Learning i did try out Spell Learning but it take you too much from Gameplay like Hunterborn
164 a4 challenging_spell_learning_patch.esp Read Installation notes otherwise the mod does Nothing and it is easy actually to install ! works with everything
165 a5 Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp
166 a6 Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp
167 a7 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
168 a8 Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp
169 a9 Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp
170 aa Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp
254 FE e Imperious - Compatibility Patch.esp
171 ab ZIR_woodchopping.esp
172 ac More Gold for Wood Fire x 15.esp
173 ad AlchemyAdjustments.esp
174 ae PPsmallbot.esp
254 FE f AlchemyAdjustments-PrettyAnimatedPotionsPatch.esp
175 af Frostfall.esp
176 b0 EmbersHD.esp - Use this instead of Ultimate Fire looks much better install afther a campfire mod if you will use it
177 b1 WetandCold.esp
178 b2 VitalityMode.esp - much better instead of ineed in my opinon
179 b3 BetterHuntRebalanced.esp recomended for Hunting in skyrim to make Hunting actually worthwise
180 b4 SOT-Sleeping.esp - Sleep Encounter Mod
181 b5 CobbEncumbrance.esp - with this mod it is based around your carry weight the more you carry tha slower you move i did try out Cardio SE but i like this more
182 b6 SkyrimHeartRate.esp - this I downloaded instead of cardio SE and like it much more
183 b7 CombatFatigue.esp
184 b8 Vigor - Combat and Injuries (SE).esp
185 b9 Sneak Tools.esp
186 ba Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp
187 bb Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp
188 bc PassiveGiants-Dragons.esp
189 bd DeadlyDragons.esp
190 be Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp
191 bf dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
192 c0 dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp
193 c1 EBT - skyBirds Patch.esp
194 c2 MLU.esp
254 FE 10 Qw_ISC_USSEP Patch.esp
195 c3 DBM_MLU_Patch.esp
254 FE 11 MLU - Vanilla Encounter Zones.esp
254 FE 12 MLU - Inigo.esp
254 FE 13 MLU - WICO.esp
254 FE 14 MLU - Improved Closefaced Helmets.esp
196 c4 MLU - Immersive Armors.esp
254 FE 15 MLU - Unique Uniques.esp
254 FE 16 MLU - Lore Weapon Expansion.esp
197 c5 ScopedBows_MLU Patch.esp
198 c6 MLU - Summermyst.esp
199 c7 FNIS.esp
254 FE 17 ImmersiveAnimatedLooting.esp
200 c8 VioLens SE.esp
201 c9 MMI.esp
202 ca Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
203 cb DBM_ISC_Patch.esp
204 cc ISC Enhanced Blood Patch.esp
205 cd SkyUI_SE.esp
206 ce AMatterOfTime.esp
207 cf FISS.esp
208 d0 SkyHUD.esp
209 d1 WM_WidgetMod.esp
210 d2 AHZmoreHUD.esp
211 d3 3PCOFull.esp
212 d4 icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp
213 d5 TissHeadTrack.esp
214 d6 Luminosity Lighting Overhaul.esp
254 FE 18 maplightfix.esp
215 d7 DynDOLOD.esp
And again No Loot is used here i did handplace everything on my own and it is working like a charm
Also i recomend if you will install
Legacy of The Dragonborn Patches
QUASIPC - Qwinn's Unified Automated Self Installing Patch Compendium
and Obscure college of Winterhold
To install as last because they automaticly detect your load order and patch most of the mods and than i recomended to see their enabled masters and pat those patches afther the masters
And a little note at the end if you dont want to use The people of Skyrim 2 i use main file 1 because i want to try it But downside it is not Compatibille with Immersive citizens which is a shame but that can be survived
just download NO NPC greetings instead of that
and i Try out new mod Skyrim Reputation now instead of releation Dialogue Overhaul
And to get to the point if you dont want to use The People of Skyrim 2
You can use Immersive Citizens
Or AI Overhaul which is new mod and Keep Getting updating which is nice
And some alternatives instead of People of Skyrim 2 for me was this mods
Skyrim Bridges
Immersive Hold Borders SE
Skyrim Battle Aftermath SE
Civil War Battlefields
Watchtowers Of Skyrim
Immersive Fallen Trees SSE
JUSTICE - City Exteriors SSE
City Entrances Overhaul - Windhelm
Immersive Laundry
Immersive Patrols SE
OBIS SE - Organized Bandits In Skyrim Special Edition
These mods are only usable if you will not Use People of Skyrim 2 or prehabs they could Be compatibille With TPOS 2 Partial File with Partial File is also Compatibille Immersive Citizens but i encourage you to try AI Overhaul if you will not downloaded TPOS
All of the other i use in my load order are compatibille with TPOS2 or well shoud be i tryem out now
but if you will use these mods you may want to install ZEDIT and use Merge option to merge them In 1 ESP it is working fine but dont merge Immersive Laundry mod and Drinking Fountains of Skyrim When i did also Merge these two they did not work
with all other mention Merge shoud work fine
Edited by MilanKokyCZ
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Just wondering if there was any consensus as to the best guide for those with more capable PCs (plenty of VRAM and good GPU)? I've done Nordic's guide in the past. That's being revamped. I'm also familiar with YASHED and TUCO which are targeted toward beginners. Any thoughts?


Vortex or MO2 should take care of all your needs. Just remember not to clean your masters.

Edited by yian
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Guest deleted6419983

i hadnt had any problem with it what i did just place it afther any mod that atler NPC or do something with NPC and everything works fine

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