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Game was have CTD's so reinstalled SKSE, now no longer loads saves


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I'm running a heavily modded Skyrim game and was running the SKSE from Steam. I was getting crashes so thought I should try updating SKSE. I DL'd SKSE again from Steam, now the game starts but gets hung up in loading.

To complicate matters, I have 2 steam folders on my main C drive where Skyrim is and on my secondary D drive now both with SKSE files. I tried deleting the files on D with no improvement.

Any ideas? What files are asscoiated with SKSE when I DL SKSE. I'd like to remove them all and start from scratch but am obviously nervous.

EDIT: I stupidly only tried loading 1 save. An older save ran fine.

Moderators can close this thread if desired. If CTD's continue, I'll post separately.

Edited by Splunge
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