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Game spazzing out when im in Cities/Buildings


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Right, whenever i enter a city, say whiterun, windhelm, markarth, etc etc, it acts normaly, then in about a minute, im flinged all over the map and i always end up under it and having to TCL my way out of it, and i dont know what has been causing this, whether its mods or just a hardware/software problem. Has anyone had this same problem, and if so, does anyone have a way to fix this?



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Do you have mods installed that modify the cities or landscape around it? Try removing them or creating a new char, see if the problem persists.


If your new character is fine then it's most likely your savegame containing old scripts / mod remains causing this.

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Ive tried verifying the cache, and it did not work at all. On a new note, i also run the game on SKSE Launcher, and i do not have any mods modifying the cities or landscapes installed, nor did i. I havent tried making a new character yet, and ill probally do it tommorow, and edit this post if it worked or not. On a different note, if it was an issue with savegames, is there a way to possibly fix it so i would not have to start over?





EDIT: The new character solution worked, thanks. Again, though, is it possible to fix the old scripts messing up my saves?

Edited by blazer3136
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