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Very random crashes and textures disappearing


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Hello everyone,


I am very new to modding skyrim and to modding in generally, but I am basically at my wits end for getting skyrim to function with any type of mods. I mainly seem to have problems when any mod that replaces textures are present, so I don't really think my load order has anything to do with it. I have tried the following mods so far:


Better Females


CBBE (Calientes Female Body Mod)


Project Reality


Enhanced Blood Textures


Cloaks of Sykrim (only one esp selected)


The eyes of Beauty




Deadly Dragons


Jaysus Swords


All the above mods will work sometimes, but at certain points in the game some of the textures will blackout such as enhanced blood textures, or parts of the sky when using project reality and certain parts of the dragon will blackout as well. Other times, characters clothing or weapons will become purple and sometimes the cloaks will blackout as well. At other points in the game I will get random crashes when I am just walking and nothing else is happening or when I perform a quicksave function. I have tried using both BOSS and Wrye Bash for load order and they didn't show anything wrong. I have updated my graphics card drivers to their latest version and I would like to say that I have absolutely no issues playing this game on max settings with full AA and Antispropic Filtering on. The issue only occurs if any mods pertaining to textures are installed. I am able to install other mods so far that do not replace textures and they work fine and I don't experience any crashes or texture issues. I do use NMM as well to manage them and I have tried installing mods in a certain order as well, but that doesn't seem to help. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and my computer specs are listed below:


Intel Core I5-2500K 3.30GHZ

16GB RAM (2.91 usable since I have a Windows 7 32-bit OS)

Nvidia 560ti 2GB (single card)


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Did you edit your SkyrimPrefs.ini file located in My document/MyGames/Skyrim to include the line bEnableFileSelection=1 it is set to 0 by default, it need's to be changed to a 1


add the line under [Launcher], use text document to edit ini files the change should look like this below, that bEnableFileSelection=1 makes mods appear in game properly




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Did you edit your SkyrimPrefs.ini file located in My document/MyGames/Skyrim to include the line bEnableFileSelection=1 it is set to 0 by default, it need's to be changed to a 1


add the line under [Launcher], use text document to edit ini files the change should look like this below, that bEnableFileSelection=1 makes mods appear in game properly





No I haven't. I will do that now and thank you for the tip. I was unaware of this.

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Did you edit your SkyrimPrefs.ini file located in My document/MyGames/Skyrim to include the line bEnableFileSelection=1 it is set to 0 by default, it need's to be changed to a 1


add the line under [Launcher], use text document to edit ini files the change should look like this below, that bEnableFileSelection=1 makes mods appear in game properly





No I haven't. I will do that now and thank you for the tip. I was unaware of this.


I just checked the SkyrimPrefs.ini and it was already set to 1.

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If that doesn't solve the problem, it sounds to me like a graphics card issue. You say you just updated your graphics card...if you did this via Windows driver update or steam driver update, the problem could be due to the drivers being improperly installed--as of the 300 series drivers, drivers must be removed and installed manually, new drivers fail to overwrite old files and you can end up with all kids of issues, from graphic glitches, to overheating and eventual card death--it also fails to properly instal the 3d drivers. Check out this link and it will explain it better and also tell you exactly how to properly install.
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I've seen a lot of help CTD threads and people post there mod list and it well have either ApachiiSkyHair or Deadly Dragons in there list and they don't realize it maybe there mods


Dawnguard is picky about mods if your using it!..



I'd disable or remove the mods listed below, if you choose to completely remove those mods, re-install one per day and play a bit and if no CTD's or problem's happen try another that you un-checked or removed until you rule out the troublesome mod


Better Females

Enhanced Blood Textures


Deadly Dragons


completely removing mods involves removing the textures, meshes and scripts and esm, esp files associated with that mod

Edited by sinnerman69
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If that doesn't solve the problem, it sounds to me like a graphics card issue. You say you just updated your graphics card...if you did this via Windows driver update or steam driver update, the problem could be due to the drivers being improperly installed--as of the 300 series drivers, drivers must be removed and installed manually, new drivers fail to overwrite old files and you can end up with all kids of issues, from graphic glitches, to overheating and eventual card death--it also fails to properly instal the 3d drivers. Check out this link and it will explain it better and also tell you exactly how to properly install.


Thank you for the reply. I actually did download the drivers and install from the official website, but I will do it again to make sure.

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