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Sky UI


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I am pretty sure it is the Sky UI... Prior to the load of the SKYUI all my inventory was there... actually I think it was there after... for a time. Now ALL MY WEAPONS ARE GONE! I can't figure out what has happened but it appears to be SKYUI related. It started also with the loading of the Proudspire Manor update for the internal smithing equipment also. I have unloaded and reloaded and still can't get my weapons back. Only option left is to lose a LOT of play time to get back equipment that is literally irreplaceble. Can anyone help? Are the weapons in some other data area or something related to the loading of the SKYUI mod? I just don't know what to do. I most likely if I can't find an answer go back to the level where I had all my weapons and continue on from there. Disheartening to say the least. Anyone???
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Did you get arrested for any crimes and thrown into a cell, your gear may of been confiscated and in trunks as evidence, there are two trunks per prison dungeon, one for regular gear and another for stolen evidence, always find those chest and retrieve your gear after escaping arrest and never teleport [cheat mod would be needed] out of prison Edited by sinnerman69
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Did you get arrested for any crimes and thrown into a cell, your gear may of been confiscated and in trunks as evidence, there are two trunks per prison dungeon, one for regular gear and another for stolen evidence, always find those chest and retrieve your gear after escaping arrest and never teleport [cheat mod would be needed] out of prison


No nothing like that... it was more of a MOD load gone bad, but I had been running on the mod for awhile before all the weapons disappeared. The SkyUI keeps presenting an error IN GAME on the inventory screen about an update or some such stuff. Just can't seem to figure out why all of a sudden it lost all of my weapons. I guess I will just have to go back and play all the quests from where I can see my weapons... what a waste! Any way thanks for trying to help.

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