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Skyrim Character Manager V1.0


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I've started a project named "Skyrim Character Manager".

(Please correct me if I'm posting this in the wrong section or if it is illegal to post your own tools/mods)


Ever wanted to have more than 1 character in Skyrim but you're too lazy to switch saves everytime or you don't want your friends to go on your character but make a new character?

Well, then this is something you'll really appreciate.

This program will let you make up to 6 different characters in Skyrim (your existing character won't be overwritten).


The download can be found here


If there are any questions or you've found a bug, feel free to ask/report.


Upcoming futures in V1.1:

- Password protection(lets you set a password on a character)

- Uninstaller

- Updater

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