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Custom Races as Vampires


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I've browsed around a bit; I don't know if this issue has been dealt with, if so I apologize. I was wondering how to deal with turning custom races into vampires, specifically Elves of Lineage, which I use. I notice when my character turns into a vampire, the eyes look messed up. I'm not sure how to deal with this or what's causing it, or if it cant be fixed at all. Could someone help me out? Post here or PM me if you have an answer, and thank you in advance!
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This is because of eye mesh difference. L2 Elves and several popular races use Ren's eye meshes, while vanilla vampire uses vanilla eye meshes,(If you installed Elaborate Eyes or Beautiful People, vampire eyes will use EE meshes) and it causes the problem. The 3 types of eye meshes(vanilla, Ren's, EE) use different UV mapping, thus use different eye textures. If you try to apply vanilla eye textures on Ren's or EE without converting it, you will see 'googly eyes'. Unless you want to change eye meshes of cuatom races, current solution is using OBSE plugin 'Vampire Race Disabler'.
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