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My game keeps crashing every 5 minutes after I got the "Summon Arvak" spell.


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This just happened to me few days ago and it still happens. So I was playing the Dawnguard DLC main quest line until I got onto the soul cairn.


I decided to get Arvak as a horse since he was my favourite horse. But after finished the quest and got the spell my game kept crashing every 5 minutes or so and I cant continue on with the main quest.


I tried reloading old saves which didn't help but what I did found was that if I DONT the Summon Arvak spell my game won't keep crashing. But I really want Arvak.


I tried looking through many forums but it seem like I'm the only on experiencing this problem. I don't know if it's my mods the problem or something else.


Im using Mod Organizer to run my mod and my SKSE. Conan anyone help me?

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  • 10 months later...

This horse is the demon, crashes my game every save a had ever since i got dawnguard dlc. Sometimes crashes, sometimes not. but eventually it will crash it. I'll just avoid using it.
Had this problem on Legendary Edition PC and on Special Edition PC. I heard that people on console also experienced this problem tho.

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