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Help with launching mods


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Hi, I dunno if I'm asking on the right place but I still haven't found any topic with the same problem as mine.


I've downloaded WARZONES - Civil Unrest Mod using the NMM. The mod is installed, the plugins are all checked (Skyrim.esm, Update.esm and WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm), but when I launch Skyrim nothing really happens, as if the mod wasn't even installed.

Dunno if has anything with taht but on top of the NNM there are two options for launching Skyrim: Launch Skyrim and Launch Custom Skyrim. When I open by Launch Skyrim option it happenswhat I described above, but when I choose to launch Custom Skyrim it pop's up an error message: "No custom launch command has been set."


I still dunno what does this mean or if it has anything with the problem.

Thank you

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Skyrim failing to start is often caused by a missing master. Double-check to make sure that all the masters all your mods need are installed, activated, and positioned right in the load order. (Like if you have an .esp master that loads after the file that depends on it, then it will be a missing master even though it is present and activated.)
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Skyrim failing to start is often caused by a missing master. Double-check to make sure that all the masters all your mods need are installed, activated, and positioned right in the load order. (Like if you have an .esp master that loads after the file that depends on it, then it will be a missing master even though it is present and activated.)


Sorry? I didn't understand very well what you tried to say? Sorry, I forgot to mention I'm newbie to this kind of stuff

What is a master?

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An .esm is a master file. And .esp is a plug-in, which depend on a master file. He's saying if you have an esp that needs a specific .esm, but you don't have it, it can cause a crash.


On a side not, does wars in skyrim require skse? Because if it does, and you don't have it, that could also cause the issue.

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