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New character type mod not progressing past creation in cell

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I download any new type of character mod from more than one author with Vortex and manual. But once I create it , I am able to move and do spells. The guy in the cell across the way moves up to the doors as I do, but then he doesn't talk like he should he just stands there. I tried to uninstall it and reinstall with Vortex and restart my computer. I tried uninstall and reinstall manually with no effect, except I can't change eye color anymore. What am I to do to get the game to progress? Does anybody know? You should know I am not that computer savvy.

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Yes, that's a really simple one. For some reason Bethesda hard-coded the response options for Valen Dreth when selecting the proper insult for your race to only the original playable races and no other. Especially when you're of a "custom" race the game can't select an insult and the main quest won't proceed.


That's why so-called Custom Race Fixes were among the first mods created. They introduce a fallback option for unknown races into the response selection, and the game will proceed again.


If you aren't using the Unofficial Oblivion Patch, yet, definitely go get it. It fixes that many left over bugs and issues of the Vanilla game that I personally consider it an inevitability to a modded game. And it just so happens to fix this roadblock as well, same as the couple other quests which won't proceed at a certain point when you're of a custom race.

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Thanks for the help, but now i'm having another issue. When I tried to download the unofficial patch it says it needs the official patch. I bought Oblivion from Steam with all DLC's. THE official patch can't find the file, but it does see file of the same name and won't download. What am I to do now? I would not like to lose all my saved games if possible, but if I need to I will.

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If you are talking about the pop up message box you get when you download the UOP then you are OK. It doesn't do anything to detect your current game version, it's just an information alert that the UOP needs to have the latest version of Oblivion installed. Your Steam version of the game will be fully updated. You can confirm this by checking the lower left corner of the main menu screen and seeing that it reports version 1.2.0416.

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When I tried to download the unofficial patch I still get need official patch. I tried manual and still won't work. My Steam version does say 1.2.416 on the main menu box. So what do I do now? I don't have a clue myself, I would like other mods that need the official patch so I do need this fixed.

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Hmm ... when I just tried myself after I click the orange Manual Download button on the Files tab it brings up a dialogue box that indicates that the Official Oblivion Patch is required and at the top left of that dialogue is another orange Download button (just below the text that says Unofficial Oblivion Patch Your file will be served via CDN). When I click the second orange Download button it brings up a standard Windows Save dialogue box where I can choose where I'd like to save the file (I like to keep all my downloads as subfolders of my OblivionDownloads folder on my separate Data drive ... main point is to take note of where you save the download).

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The download requirement popups on Nexusmods are only informational, not of the blocking nature. There's always a "Download" (anyways) button for you to click at any time to download regardless. The website also can't "check" if you fulfill the requirements. So the box will also never change.


Where do you get this error from? The website or the mod manager of your choice? If the latter, which one is it?

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I have Vortex and I tried again and I was able to find it on Vortex, finally it is working. For manual I have 9zip since I have seen a lot of 7zip, I couldn't find 7zip by itself. That is where I saw the error. But the website, Vortex, and 9zip gave me the messages of could not find file, the trouble from above.

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