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Kill Ulfric before main quest and and war mod ?

Guest deleted6419983

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Guest deleted6419983

hi there i want to ask if there is somewhere a mod that would let you kill ulfric without even joining Empire so that you can end the ciwil war imidietly without go through all of the quest.Like something i will just walk into his palace and kill him i did try it but he is mark as essential so he cant be killed and i would like to end the war just like this :D and im not sure if unmark him as essential woudlnt couse some kind of troubleshoting ?

Edited by MilanKokyCZ
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Yeah, just removing his immortality is going to be inadequate to the task. Too many things going on around him, that need him to be around. You would need to find all the quests that he is associated with, and insert some code to terminate/complete them, else the game would likely be really borked. :D

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